Chapter 47

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*Louis' POV*

As soon as Harry leaves through the window, I close it and run over to my bed. I try to muffle out my cries on the pillow, what the fuck did I do. I look over at my phone on my night stand, picking it up. I fumble with my shaky fingers trying to text Noah.

Hey it's Louis, I've thought about what you said. I just think we should remain friends nothing more. There's someone else in my life now and I'm happy. You have put me through a lot but maybe someday we'll talk again. The last couple weeks have been the best in my life, and you being apart of all this was a mistake. I'm sorry. I'm sorry if I led you on but now you know how it feels. Hope you find someone that loves you just as much as I love my boyfriend. Goodbye Noah.

I struggle to finish the text. I should've known Harry would've eventually found out. It's not him that fucked up this time, it's me, for the first time it's me. What the hell was I even doing with Noah? Moving here was supposed to be a fresh start, not bringing in back the worst of past. Noah did change, and it's great but I have Harry now, at least I think I do. This past few days were going great between us two, nothing was wrong between us, but I had to fuck it up.

I wipe my tears from my face with the sheets and cover myself. The room is dim, flashbacks of just moments ago flash into my head, Harry making love to me. I shake the thoughts out of my head and try to get some sleep. By now my eyes are dry and swollen shut. I've been crying for what seems like hours but has only been about thirty minutes. I close my eyes in an attempt to sleep, thinking of what must be going through Harry's head right now. My phone stil lays on the night stand, I look back and forth from the phone to the clock on my wall, 2:43 a.m. My urge to text Harry is inevitable. I grab my phone, sitting up on my bed and call Harry. One ring, two rings, three rings, four rings, five rings, six rings, and it goes straight to voice mail. I bite the inside of my cheek before texting him, although I'm not sure what to text him, at least the right thing to. I jumble through words in my head, finding the right ones. After minutes of picking at my fingers with my teeth, I'm finally able to make a sentence on the bright screen.

Harry can we please talk about this? I'm sorry, I don't know how many times I'm going to have to tell you this, but I'll say it as many times as you want me to. Just please call me back once you get this, or once you wake up. You must be sleeping right now, sorry if I wake you up that's not my intention. I love you Harry, I'm keeping my promise about not texting Noah, for you.

I place my phone under my pillow and lay my head on it. I close my eyes and drift on and off into sleep. My whole night consists of tossing and turning, the thought of Harry not letting me sleep.

*Harry's POV*

I don't think twice before texting Noah...

Hey, it's Louis. Sorry I couldn't answer earlier. I got a new number, text me on here from now on. So when can I see you?

After I send the text, I do my best at pulling myself together. It's freezing inside the car, I turn on the ignition and drive off, turning on the heater in the car.

I get my flat within minutes due to going over 80 miles an hour. I rush up the stair case and slam the door shut once I get to my room. My mum isn't home, that's for sure. I look around my room trying to find something to get my anger out on, my eyes focus on the mirror hung on the wall. I stride over to it and grab it, raising it over my head. Right as I'm about to smash it on the ground, my phone vibrates. I let the mirror fall the ground, only making it crack through the middle. Noah's number pop up on the screen.

Sure no problem. Anytime you want, how about Friday? I don't think I could go any longer without seeing you. It's been a long time.

I clench my jaw at the sight of the words. I calm myself down before doing anything stupid and regretting it. I'm quick to text him back.

Friday sounds good, I know I can't go on another day without seeing you either. Why wait, why don't you send me a picture of your sexy self right now? ;)

I nearly gag at the text, but this is only to make him believe I'm Louis.

A few minutes pass by when I get the picture back from him.

Just for you ;) x [Image Attachment]

I click on the on the image, taking a deep breath before opening it. My eyes widened by the look of him. He's clean cut, and is hot? I shake my head freeing the thoughts out of my head, I can't say that. Noah is nothing like I expected him to be. I figured he'd be blonde or some shit, have tattoos like me or may be even a bit nerdy, but he's a jock? He has brown hair and green eyes, similar to mine? Now I know why Louis fell for him, although he's not my type.

Damn. Can't wait to see you now ;) Maybe we can catch up in other ways.

Is the only thing I manage to text back. Louis' name and picture flash on the screen after I've sent the text to Noah, I ignore the call and throw my phone on to the bed letting it ring until it goes to voicemail. I then throw my shoes across the floor followed by my clothes, I walk over to my bed and lay there waiting for Noah to text back, boy does he know what he's in for.

{Please vote and comment:) As you can see I didn't wan to rush things in this chapter between Harry and Noah so yeah. After getting feedback on twitter about who Noah should be, it's been decided by all of the ones who tweeted me that Jack Harries is Noah in the story. Thanks for reading and yes I will be updating tomorrow, hopefully earlier than right now. Love you 💕}

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