*Harry's POV*I get inside my car and pull out of these fucking stupid school grounds. Louis better be fucking around about what he's doing. I'm so tired of repeating the same cycle of pushing people away but this time it's Louis pushing me away.
Before I know where I'm going I find myself in front of the towns cemetery. I park my car alongside the street across from it. I step outside and don't even bother looking to both sides of the street before crossing. There aren't any people here which is good. I walk down the paths of the old grave yard. Sam's tombstone is just like it was 3 years ago. Normally, I'd come and visit Sam everyday the year he passed but then I stopped. The grass is moist with dew but I don't give a shit and sit down. My back is against his tombstone when I take out the small bag from my pocket. I take out the baggie, and a lighter. I still have the gum wrapper from early, never thought it'd come in handy in a grave yard. Weed is always the best relaxant. I roll up the piece of wrapper with the green substance and light it. The smoke that exits my mouth fills the air. Civilians walk by giving me dirty looks, I still don't give a fuck. Fuck Louis, fuck Sam, fuck Lily, fuck everyone, I don't need any of them.
A homeless man later joins me by sitting next to me.
"What are you doing here kid?"
"One, I'm not a kid. Two is it any of your business?"
"Sheesh, someone hasn't gotten some lately."
The old raggedy man puts his hands in front of him, his palms facing me like he's been offended.
"Shut the fuck up."
"Why are you out so late?"
"It's not late."
"It's dark already."
I look around and the sky is a dark blue mixed with light purple in the horizon. How long have I been sitting here?
"What time is it?"
I say as I stand up before my feet.
"If I had a watch, I'd tell you."
He is homeless. I feel bad for the guy and throw him the left over weed in the baggie.
"Here, you could sell that or smoke it I don't know."
I walk towards the gates of the graveyard. The heel of my boots hitting the cement and the wind are the only sounds you can hear right now.
I step inside my car and drive off. My head is buzzing, I can barley see the street with my bloodshot eyes. Fuck Louis I don't need him.
*Louis' POV*
This morning nothing unusual happened. I woke up, got ready, put on some cologne and went walking to school. This time me expecting Harry to pick me up didn't cross my mind at all.
I got to school later than normal. I've ended up walking Lily to every class, along the way I wanted to see Harry just to see the look on his face but there was no sign of him. I'd most likely see him at lunch of course.
"Hey Lily, you want to grab some lunch and head over to the halls? Away from the noise?"
I say as I hold her hand, leading her to the lunch line.
"Sure. You have to be the sweetest guy I've ever dated."
When she says that, my stomach turns. She doesn't even know I don't like her. I feel like shit at the time but the feeling washes off.

Locker 17
Fanfiction"It's hard letting go. I'm finally at peace but it feels wrong." {Under going editing. It's being rewritten from the beginning, grammatical errors are being fixed. Should be completely edited and polished by December}