
140 6 12

Anna (Modern AU)

"Annnnnd, there! That's one sheet filled, nine more to go..." I look at the many cookie sheets in front of me, each fit to hold a dozen. And I needed to make ten dozen Christmas cookies. "No, you can do this Anna. You're too committed to quit!"

I start to fill the second sheet, until...

"No." I slap my boyfriend's hand away from the cookie dough.

"Pleeeeease?" Chrom begs, giving me his signature puppy dog face.

"No. I need to have all of my cookie dough. I still need to fill nine trays. Bug off." I say, putting more dough on the sheet.

"Geez, Anna. You're being really cold you know that?" He says, grinning like an idiot. I brandish a kitchen knife, he backs away "Ok, we got a badass over here! ...Can I please just have one?"

I twirl the knife "Happy baking!" He says and walks away.



"Ugghh." I groan and flop my head on the table, and into a pile of frosting and sprinkles. I've been baking for six hours and I JUST started frosting the cookies.

"Anna, Rudolph just came on, do you wanna- Anna?" Chrom walks over to where I'm slouched. "You ok, babe?" He asks.

"Mrffff" I mumble.

I feel him pull my head up "Gods, Anna... you look terrible... I MEAN IN A GOOD WAY!" He yells.

I wipe my face "Gee, thanks..." I mutter.

He looks at the array of cookies on the table "Holy crap, how many cookies are there?!" He asks.

"120..." I collapse again.

"Ok, that's it. Let's get you to bed." He attempts to pick me up, but I stop him.

"Nooooooo! I need to finish these tonight! I won't have time tomorrow!" I whine.

He sighs "Alrighty then." He takes a seat "Is there any specific pattern you want on the cookies?" He asks, picking up a cookie and a frosting knife.

"No, you don't have to-"

"Anna, its 11:30pm on a Tuesday. Let's get at least half of these done, so you can go to bed." He says.

I sigh, and pick up a cookie "Thank you..."

Two hours later, I'm all cleaned up, and cuddled in bed with Chrom.

"Thanks for your help." I say sleepily.

He kisses my head "No problem, it brought back memories of when my sisters and I would help our mom."

I giggle softly, and snuggle closer to him. I start to fall asleep.

"You need to start going to bed at a reasonable hour." He says.

I ignore him, and drift off to sleep.

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