
144 4 7

Anna (Pregnancy)

"Marry Nagamas, dear." Chrom says, planting a soft kiss on my lips.

I gently hug him "Marry Nagamas." I say.

Chrom pulls away and smiles "Ah, I forgot, here is your gift." He says, pulling out an old story book. "This was  one of Lissa and I's favorite book when we were kids. I thought you might like it." He says, handing me the book.

I take it and smile "Thank you. Here, this is what I got you. Well, made." I hold out a little wood carving of a horse. He takes it, admiring the design.

"Gods Anna... this is beautiful! I forgot how good you are whittling!" He exclaims.

I giggle "Haha, thanks. I do have another gift for you but... well, it won't arrive for another four months." I jest, placing a hand on my swollen stomach.

Chrom smiles, and joins my hand on my stomach. "And that's the greatest gift of all." He ducks down "You take all the time you need little one. But just know that your daddy is very excited to meet you." He says, placing a kiss on my stomach. I giggle.

He stands up, and meets my gaze, "Haha, not even born yet and you're already such a doting dad!" I jest.

He laughs "Hey, I can't help it! I'm practicing for when the baby arrives! Then, I'll be the most doting dad!" He exclaims, rubbing my stomach.

I nuzzle closer to him, "I know you will."

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