Dressing Up The Pets

151 6 30

Chrom (Modern AU)

"Chrooooooom, where is he?!" Anna asks.

I groan, and place my head in my hands "I don't know Anna, he's YOUR cat!" I say.

She gasps in an over exaggerated way "Chrom! Aaron Purr is OUR baby! You are a PROUD cat daddy!" She says.

I roll my eyes "I don't really feel proud." I get up "But, you won't leave me alone until we find him. Where was the last place you saw him?" I ask.

She lights up "Really, you'll help? Thank you, you're the best!" She hugs me and kisses my cheek. "Ok, I think he was near the tree, looking at the lights. I think he may have climbed in it. Can you get him?"

"Why can't you do it by yourself?" I ask.

"Because you're taller! Now c'mon!" She commands, dragging me to the living room. And just as she predicted, Aaron Purr was in the tree.

I reach up and gently grab him. He mewls a bit in protest and paws at me, but he calms down once I hold him more comfortably. "Hey, bud. What were you doing in there?" I ask in baby talk, gently stroking his head. Great... now I'm doing it.

"Great! You got him! Wait right here!" Anna commands and runs off to the other room.

"What is she planing?" I ask myself. I put Aaron on my shoulder, letting him play with my hair. "I don't know what she's doing, but I know that it can't be good, right Purr?" I ask the cat. He playfully nips at my ear, so I take that as a yes.

Just then, Anna runs back in the room, holding what seems to be two sweaters. She places the them on the couch and pulls out a smaller version of the sweaters.

"Ok, you hold him, I'll put the sweater on him." She says.

"What?! You got him a sweater?" I ask.

"I got US sweaters. Now, gimme the cat!" She commands.

I sigh "Sorry Aaron..." I pick the poor kitty off my shoulder, and hold him out to Anna. She manages to put the sweater on him, despite his mewls and scratching.

I place him on the floor, and watch him waddle around in his new clothing. He gives me a look that says, why have you betrayed me father? "Once again, sorry Aaron..." I say.

Anna squeals in delight "Awwwww, he's so cute! He loves it!" She exclaims.

I don't think he does... "Yeah, sure does..." Anna turns around to pick up the other sweaters. I pick up Aaron Purr "I'll get rid get of them later. Just deal with it for now bud." I whisper.

"Awwwww, you're bonding! I told you he was your son!" Anna squeals.

I laugh "Haha! He's cute, I'll give him that." I say, earning a pat on the nose with his soft paw.

"He's our son, of course he's cute!" She exclaims.

"You know, we might as well have an ACTUAL baby, so then it'll actually be normal for you to do these things!" I jest.

Anna's face turns red "C-Chrom..."

I laugh "Haha! I was kidding! Geez, you should see your face right now!" I say.

Her blush still remains "Oh, er... haha..." She mumbles.

"Besides... we're already busy with our first one, so it wouldn't be wise to bring another into the world." I say handing our "baby" to her.

He licks her nose, and she giggles "You're right. You get all of our attention for now Aaron!" Anna says in baby talk.

And thank the gods... wait, FOR NOW?!

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