Hot Chocolate

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"I dare you to chug that entire mug of hot chocolate, Anna!" Gaius dares Anna.

I nearly spit out my own drink "What?! Do you have any idea how dangerous that is?!" I ask.

Gaius shrugs "Hey, don't be a kill joy, Blue. Besides, Bubbles doesn't seem to mind!" He says, pointing to Anna, who is preparing her mug.

"Anna, I beg of you, PLEASE don't do this!" I plea to my fiancé. It doesn't work.

"I'm sorry? When have you ever stopped me from doing something stupid?" She asks.


"That's what I thought. Welp, now or never!" She says, chugging the entire mug of hot chocolate.


"I'm gonna die!!!" Anna complains as she curls into a ball on my couch.

I sigh "What did I tell you?" I ask.

Anna groans "Heartburn..."

I smirk "The tides have turned, my love." I say.

Anna groans again "How come whenever YOU do something stupid, I'm always the one helping you, and when I do something stupid, you just sit there and taunt me...?" She asks weekly.

"Because me doing something stupid is normal. When you do something stupid, oh, I have to make the best of it!" I say.

She coughs "Haha..." She manages before going into a coughing fit.

Now my snarky nature has disappeared "Anna? Are you ok?" I ask.


"Should I get a healer?" I ask.

She coughs again, and nods.

"Ok. Don't go anywhere." I say, getting off the couch.

"Thank you..." She coughs even more.

"Take it easy, don't hurt yourself." I say, going towards the door "Oh, and Anna? We're watching your hot chocolate intake from now on." I say.

Anna groans, and I exit the room, laughing.

Hours later, I betray my own words, and find myself curled up with her near the fire with hot cocoa.


Hey guys. I know this is the first time I've done this on one of these, but I have a question to ask. Since I am having so much fun writing theses, I was wondering if you would like it if I wrote a little side series book based off of my fanfic, Fire Emblem Awakening: My Story. It would basically be a series of  one-shots about a bunch of the different characters based on little things I want them to do, or things I wanted to add to My Story, and just didn't have time or didn't think of them at the time. It would have all of the characters doing random things with each other, or just pairings between them. I would really love to do this, and I just wanted to know if you guys would like, and read it? Thank you for reading and your support. BYE!!!

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