2. Welcome home

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"Wake up, sleepy head. You've been waiting for this day. It would be a shame to miss out!"

Art groaned when he heard his mom call from the kitchen. Dragging his tired body from the cot in the corner he noticed how dirty his clothes were.

"What happened to you?"

Moira raised her eyebrows at the sight of her disheveled son. With a guilty look on his face he sat down at the breakfast table.

"There was a party last night because of the arrival of the Prince and I might have had a little bit too much to drink", he admitted, raising thumb and finger while squinting his eyes.

"So, Charlotte saved your ass and got her time to frolic around in the woods", she nodded serving him his breakfast.

"You really should be more careful, Art. If they catch you...."

She bit her lip.

Art smiled and gave her a big hug and kiss.

"I'm too smart to get caught, mom", he winked at her.

"I have to go or else I'll be late."

"Don't forget to collect the laundry", his mom called after him.

"I won't", Art answered already half way down the street.

Shaking her head she looked at his slowly disappearing figure. After four years Alexi would finally return home and she knew how Art had longed to reunite with his best friend. She had found it impossible to temper his enthusiasm. But the reality was that chances were slim for a glimpse of the Crown Prince. And a meet? Out of the question! 

Art ran the whole way to the castle. Luckily his mother new little of what he was really up to at night. Grinning he thought back to the party. Was there anything better than making love to a warm and willing woman?

After getting lucky, he was thanking the Goddess for his ability to mask his scent and returned to his house unnoticed. During the day he played the role of a lowly and obedient servant but in the night he went his own way and spent a lot of time wooing women.

Charlotte, his wolf, didn't agree to this behavior, but his nightly movements also allowed her to run free in the Woods so she reluctantly accepted things as they were.

Destiny may have made him an omega; standing at five foot nine and weighing in about a hundred and fifty pounds.  But mother nature compensated him royale by giving him the good looks of his father; brown hair with chestnut highlights, emerald green eyes and the mentality of an Alpha. He was forbidden to rule, but he refused to bow down to men just because they outranked him.

His mother underestimated Art's ability to make the impossible happen. As an Omega with a strong survival instinct he knew every nook and cranny in the palace. People expected him to be invisible and he made it his mission to be so. He learned who to approach and who to avoid. And so now he knew the perfect spot to catch a glimpse of Alexi. A place where he could greet him without causing him embarrassment for having such a low placed friend. Just a stolen glance would be enough to make him forget all the misery of the last four years.    

The streets of the Palace were crowded with people and everybody seemed to be in good spirits. Seeing the Prince return home was a reason for a party. And who didn't love a party?

The procession was longer than Art had expected. Luckily his place on the roof was comfortable and there was enough to see to keep him entertained. Many exotic looking men and woman, with wagons full of fabric and wonderful smelling herbs and spices crossed his view before the crowd went wild indicating that the Prince was close.

Standing up to get a better view he kept his balance leaning against a chimney. He finally saw what he came for. A broad smile spread over his face. Alexi hadn't changed a bit in these four years. His dirty blond hair still couldn't be tamed and peaked out of all side of his hat. Warm brown eyes looked invitingly around while he rode through the sea of cheering people.

With a painful sting of nostalgia, Art recognized the steed that Alexi rode on. Stormrider was a horse out of his father's stable. He had trained all his horses himself. Would he still recognize the old signals? In youthful and innocent enthusiasm Art put his fingers in his mouth and whistled.

The sensitive ears of all horses paid attention, but only one responded. Art had given the signal to halt (or so he thought).

Stormrider whinnied and pranced, almost throwing his rider. Fortunately Alexis was an outstanding rider and regained control within seconds. He leaned forward to stroke the neck of his horse. The ears of the steed stood at alert and showed no fear. He noticed the anticipation in the movements of the animal and suddenly looked up searching to the crowd. The Prince didn't have to look for long before he saw the smiling face of his childhood friend. A boy close enough to call him a brother.

The smile on both faces dropped when Art was surrounded by guards.

Cold hard steel pointed at his neck while he could hear the derogatory remark of Charlotte:

'You really should have listened to your mother, Arthur. Now you've put us both in danger.'

He rolled his eyes at her words while his mind could think of only one thing;

Would he be able to come into striking distance of Orlando Wren?

And if so?

Could he fulfill his wish to kill the man responsible for his father's death?

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now