5. Making due

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"Do you have any personal belongings that I should collect?" asked Wren to his own astonishment.

Again he stared at the boy's face which was showing an array of emotions. After all that the no-nonsense answer amused him.


He repressed a smile.

"Not even another pair of clothes?"

Art bit his lip.

He didn't want Wren anywhere near his mother and was too proud to admit that these were the only clothes he owned.

"Don't bother yourself. I'll just repair these", he glared at the man.

After a short staring contest that Art lost he huffed impatiently.

"Could you tell me what my duties as your servant would entail? So I know what to expect", he asked with his eyes cast down.

This was probably what saved him from a severe beating because Wren rushed over, grabbed him by the throat an lifted him from the ground growling loudly.

"Insolent boy", he snarled. "You don't get to use your tongue so freely in this house. Speak when spoken to and only when an answer is required. I have no qualms with beating you into submission."

Both Art and Charlotte coward under the power of the Alpha's words.

It was in that moment that Art realized that life in the palace as he had known it (and cursed at times) was over. Leaving a very uncertain future.

Now that he was almost seventeen the need to protect Charlotte became stronger.

"Hey!", she reacted to his thoughts but he ignored her.

"I love you, Charlotte and I will protect you. If necessary even from yourself. I don't care how good Wren smells –Yes, I admit that- and how much he reminds us of my father; We need to be careful with him and with the others. They ignored Wren orders not to touch us making me think that Nox has some leverage."

Art wrinkled his nose in disgust.

"If I have to serve Nox than you'd better kill me now because I flat out refuse to serve that revolting man", he said looking Wren straight in the eyes.

The Captain found no duality in his face.

While putting him down he noticed the boy winched a little.

"You'll serve only me."

He pointed to the back room.

"That's the kitchen and where you will sleep. In the morning you will serve me breakfast in the dining room and start unpacking all my belongings. I know exactly what I brought with me. So if anything disappears..."

A hand painfully squeezed around Art's wrist.

"I'll take a finger for each missing item."

Art was insulted. He wasn't a thief! But instead of saying anything and getting into trouble again he held his tongue. Wren wouldn't believe him anyway. That bothered him more than he would admit. Charlotte said nothing but wore a smug smile.

Wren was obviously waiting for a comment and nodded when it didn't came.

"Maybe there's hope for you yet. Go to sleep. Morning will come soon enough."

Relived with being dismissed Art walked into the kitchen.

It was a nice room. Almost square with a table and chairs in the middle. Baskets filled with fragrant smelling herbs and spices were stacked into a corner. He recognized the scents as the ones he smelled being led in by the exotic men and women. Could they be from Wren's homeland? He looked around and found a big fireplace.

Since it was summer he had no need for additional warmth but the winters in this kitchen would be comfortable. Not that he intended to be here that long.

Trying to find something suitable to sleep on he searched through every corner and every cabinet of the kitchen. Nothing. With the threat of Wren very lively in his mind he didn't dare look in the living room for something soft to lay on.

A sudden idea came to him. Maybe he could find a sack and some straw in the stables. Surely this would make for a comfortable bedding. When he found the backdoor locked and bolted he let out an irritated huff.

Left with no other option he found an empty corner, gingerly laid himself down and tried to sleep.

He dozed of sooner than he had thought possible.

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now