12. 'Damn Casper and his stupid chivalry!!!!'

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Art stared into Wren's face hearing impossible words.

"Who was the one designating you as an Omega?", asked Wren.

Art scoffed looking at the man incredulously.

"That would be the King as is the custom with all werewolf births?! Why do you even ask such a question?"

"Because I don't understand", said Wren shaking his head. "What was your father thinking accepting you as an Omega? The embarrassment he must have felt for an Alpha to have his firstborn rank so low."

Hearing these words made Art stare at his feet. His father never ever made him feel this way.

"All my father wanted for me was to be safe and happy. My wolf made me vulnerable and he chose to accept a position away from the palace to raise me in peace."

Proud of the sacrifice his father made, Art only realized his mistake when he caught the perplexed look on Wren's face.

"He chose a position away from the palace?", he uttered in disbelieve. "Nobody choses his own position. The King appoints where you go."

He stared in Art's green eyes who looked positively scared.

The boy almost heard  the gears in Wren's  head turning and knew that the jig was up.

"You are correct, with one exception of course, but you already know that", he nodded.

A small gasp escaped from Wren's throat.

"I can't believe that you are the son of the legendary Captain Aldair Balthazar."

Art deadpanned.

"And I didn't think it possible to use reverence and disgust in one sentence", he bitterly smiled.

Wren was pacing the stables angrily.

"It's a crime you know, to hide an Alpha under a lower rank. When people find out, you will be accused of hiding an ulterior motive."

He abruptly stopped.

"If Nox were to find out, he'd kill you on the spot."

"Tell him", Charlotte pushed.

Art almost caved immediately. He wanted Wren to know. Wanted his protection. He blamed the stupid bond between them.

"There may be a reason why the King and my father did this."

He bit his lip.

Wren folded his arms and waited.

"Born on the same day. Their offspring will unite the four kingdoms."

Dark eyebrows frowned deeply.

"That sounds like something a seer would say. How does this relate to your status?"

Art cleared his throat.

"I was born on the same day as Alexi. So considering all that happened since he returned..."

Wren's mouth dropped in surprise.

"You think that the Crown Prince is your mate?", Wren scoffed. "You! A lowly Omega, washer of clothes! You're on the bottem of the food chain."

"No!" exclaimed Art. "Not according to your own words."

He pricked his fingers in Wren's hard chest.

"It was you who claimed me to be an Alpha. So which is it? Because I can't be both!"

Art stared at Wren until the Alpha male actually stepped away from him. They both remained silent not sure about anything at the moment. Lacking in alternatives, Art picked up a brush and began grooming Stormrider.

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now