7. Casper has a booty call

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With the promise (to Art) and threat (to Wren) of Alexi to check in on the progress, Wren had no choice but to grant Art a little more freedom. He actually allowed the boy to leave the house and visit his mother. When he saw how much the mood of his young servant improved, he even granted him time off to attend the midsummer festival in the nearby town.

Art wasn't the only one that needed some relaxation. Casper had been nagging him for a run.

Now that everybody was occupied, Wren allowed himself some downtime and gave the reigns of control to his wolf.

It had been a long time since Casper got the chance to stretch his legs for an extended run. Wren even freed up the time to spend the night in his animal form. So now he ran through the woods with a grin on his face unbecoming a wolf of his status. After finding a good place to spend the night, he spent some time on the hunt and was enjoying his meal when a sudden howl alerted him to company.

His nose detected a group of five wolfs. His ears told him that one wolf was being pursued by the others. Casper had no idea why the wolf was hunted but he didn't like the odds of four against one. He ran to intercept the party and by the looks of it just in time. The four wolfs had cornered their victim and were ready to strike. Without hesitation he jumped in front of the lunging wolves and fought them all off.

Casper was a mighty wolf. Quick, agile and smart. The quartet was no match for his power and it didn't take long before the wolves were defeated. They ran; bleeding and hurt, with their tails between their legs.

Casper didn't have a scratch. The blood on his black and silverspeckeld fur was not his. He turned his golden eyes to the wolf behind him.

She was beautiful. Shiny auburn fur with red tips and emerald green eyes.

"Do you know why they were chasing you?", he asked through an open mind link.

Not moving from her crouch she looked up.

"I'm not sure. I came across the group leaving the festival and they suddenly attacked me."

A slight movement of her body released a scent that nearly drove him wild. His eyes flashed red before he regained control.

"Have you mated yet?" he growled.

The she wolf made herself as small as possible expecting another attack.

"I'm not going to harm you, but your scent is very arousing."

He struggled to calm his raging hormones.

"Do you have a mate?" he tried again.

"No, not yet. My human is almost seventeen."

Casper nodded.

"It's possible that your wolf core reacted to the presence of your future mate and went into heat a little early. You really shouldn't walk around without proper protection."

Her seductive scent surrounded him.

"May I escort you to safety?"

She shook her head.

"My human is deaddrunk and I have no family in the area."

Her green eyes pleaded with him.

"Please let me stay with you. I can sense your power and I now you are capable to shield my scent from others."

Casper felt shivers shooting down his spine. A desperate growl rose from his throat.

"Do you know what you're asking me to do?"

She nodded shyly.

"My old Alpha once explained it to me."

The male wolf mentally stuttered. He knew what he had to do to mask her scent but he just hoped that his self-control was strong enough.

In order to stop her heat and mask her scent, he had to mate with her without penetration. The scent of his semen and the mark he would place on her would brand her as his until her true mate claimed her. The bond between them would be no laughing matter. Her request was one not to take lightly.

If Wren had even the slightest romantic connection he would have refused; even under these serious circumstances, but they were both very much unattached.

Her intoxicating smell made it very difficult to remain levelheaded, especially since the female seemed more than eager to submit.

"Our humans will be oblivious about this connection", Casper said already moving his body closer to hers.

Her eyes glazed over to a shade of pink that instantly made him rock-hard. She was ready for him; and boy, was he ready for her!

Looking over her shoulder she offered herself to him. With his last rational thought he placed himself against her body and started thrusting. She reacted to his stimulation with soft moans. Her arousal sent him to heaven and when he marked her, both their bodies convulsed, overcome by the overwhelming orgasm.

Exhausted they sank to the ground.

"My name is Casper", he panted. "What's your name, beautiful?"

"Charlotte. My name is Charlotte."

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now