30. The price of love

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^ King Dimitri

Two months later everything finally seemed to come together. Princess Arianna was married off to the third Prince of Kildare and took with her the substantial dowry initially intended for King Dimitri. During their own negotiations King Dimitri assured Prince Rafael that he didn't need anything to 'sweeten the deal'. So after consulting with his future father-in-law Prince Rafael declined a dowry and requested his mother's freedom instead. Trying to save face after the awful things he said about his son, King Armando agreed and offered her a small estate with an annual income. All parties agreed, leaving only a wedding to make things official.

Art was settling into his new life as a mated werewolf and found comfort in the knowledge that Wren accepted his shifting between dominance and submission. He knew that a lot of the romantic feelings he had were heavily influenced by Charlotte's love for Casper, but he couldn't deny that his submission in the bedroom was of his own free will. Feeling Wren pin him down didn't make him feel week or oppressed anymore. Now that he had embraced his role he felt empowered by it.

Wren had felt happy and content in the development of his matingbond with Art, but there was still something they hadn't talked about. Now that he could no longer hide behind the crisis around Prince Alexi, the time had come to face his own demons.

"He, Ben", he greeted the trainer looking around the stables. "I'm here to pick up Art. I already searched the fields, but couldn't find him. Is he here?"

"No", the old man shook his head. "He wasn't feeling well so I send him home." He looked over his shoulder. "Finally time to have 'the talk'?" he asked with a grim expression on his weather worn face.

Wren sighed and nodded. Ben grabbed his hand.

"It's that snake Vincent. You know that he loves to spews out nonsense stories about the war so people buy him beer. All that trash talk about how you are responsible for Balthazar's death is total bull shit and you know it. Do you really think that Art would have accepted you as a mate if he thought you killed his father?"

Wren shrugged his shoulders.

"That doesn't mean I'm innocent. He should know the truth and make up his own mind."

Ben stared at the determined expression on the younger mans face. "Good luck."

Walking back home Wren thought of the best way to tell the events of that night.

"I'll help you", Casper said.

Wren snorted. "Isn't there supposed to be a 'I'm sure he'll understand' in that sentence?"

"Hell no", Casper retorted. "You know he's the type who won't take anything lying down. At least we know who'll he run to when things get too much."

"Yeah, maybe we should include Prince Alexi directly and safe ourselves the trip", Wren said wryly. It's not that he was jealous of the relationship between the boys. Actually because of that he had spent a fair amount of time with Prince Rafael and found that they shared many interests. He just hoped that Art would turn to him when he felt troubled or in doubt.

Despite not feeling well, Art still prepared dinner and Wren felt proud to see his mate fulfill his duties. After greeting him with a kiss he smiled at Art.

"Ben told me you were off early today. I hope it's not something serious?"

Art shook his head. "I was just a little tired. I feel fine now. Take a seat while I serve dinner."

Wren was pleased to find his mate in good spirits and listened to him rattle on. Feeling his determination slip, Casper stepped in and send a heads up to Charlotte. It was too clear and sudden for her to block this from Art, so with the echo still in his mind he stood so abruptly from his chair that it fell down.

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now