6. Powerless

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Seven days had passed since he came to be in Wren's service; where his sleeping conditions had not improved and he had yet to leave the house.

Art only saw his master at breakfast and dinner, spending the rest of his time working to get everything in its proper place.

After making such a fuss about him stealing he had laughed out loud when he saw the content of the boxes. The few belongings of Wren had taken him only two hours to unpack. Now he was keeping himself busy with cleaning the neglected house.

Even though he was not allowed to leave the house 'under Alpha command and all that' , he had free access to all the rooms. He wasn't sure why Wren, being Captain of the Gard, would choose to live in such a rundown place. You could see that it used to be a beautiful house, but after years of being uninhabited no sane person would give it another glance.

Until Wren. Which made Art curious. Did he request the house or did the King appoint it to him?

And when would the man start with the attempts to take of his blind? Art had no plans on making it easy for the Alpha, but felt that his stay was being prolonged unnecessarily. His patience was running thin.

Charlotte was still hormonal because of the continues proximity to Wren's intoxicating smell. She was also getting nasty because she longed for a run. Art just wanted to go home and make sure his mother was alright.

Actually it was more that he desperately wanted to get away from Wren because he found it difficult to maintain his hatred for this man. Even though he was not allowed out of the house, there were plenty of people who visited; bringing food and messages for the Captain. Art asked them what he couldn't ask Wren and was surprised with the answers he received.

It seemed that Captain Orlando Wren was a very respected figure.

'Well let's be honest", Art thought snorting. 'After two years of Nox anybody would come of smelling like roses." (In more ways than one.)

But he found more than just respect. People saw him as a commendable man who fought in het war and protected the Crown Prince during some heated battles. In other words; the content matched the package.

"And the package is outstanding", Charlotte chimed in.

Art could not deny that her words were true. It's just that the story of Vincent about his father's death kept nagging at him.

It had been a warm day so Art decided to set the table for dinner in het courtyard. Determined to get answers, he didn't leave after serving the food and waited until Wren acknowledged his presence.

"What?", said Wren without looking up from his plate and after a considerable amount of time.

Irritated by the dismissive tone Art swallowed his studied and polite inquiry.

"Take my blind of and let me go home!" he said.. well ...ordered.

Wren's oriental features, naturally sharp, now turned to lethal edges, while his black eyes were shooting fiery daggers. A deep growl rose from his throat.

"What did you just say to me?"

Art's quick reflexes shaved him from immediate capture and he ran.

"Come back here!"

The house, only sparingly filled, left lots of room for dodging the murderous hands of Wren.

They must have looked like an odd couple chasing around the dinner table when a sudden throat clearing alerted them to the presence of company.

"Alexi!", Art cried out in relive and hid behind his friend.

"Your Highness", bowed Wren.

"Care to explain what I just witnessed, Captain?" Alexi asked with lifted eyebrows.

He could feel the trembling body of Art pressing against him.

"My servant needs to be reminded that an Alpha doesn't take commands from an Omega", Wren answered through clenched teeth.

Art sought the warm eyes of Alexi.

"Captain Wren has made no attempts to remove my blind like King Dimitri ordered. I only wanted to know how much longer I was going to have to stay here", he pleaded his case.

Alexi nodded.

"I understand. Although I have to say that both of you are disappointing me."

He turned to Wren.

"You, Captain, have to explain why you haven't worked on Art's blind. I remember how strongly you objected to him having one."

Wren glared at Art for ratting him out.

"I can assure you, Prince Alexi, that I'm working on it."

Art glared back in total disbelieve still cowering behind the Prince.

It evoked a mental growl that stunned Wren for a moment. His wolf never responded to his disciplinary actions before. So why should he be bothered by a mere servant boy? A sassy one...but still.

"He's more than a servant boy and you know it", Casper growled. "His responses to our authority disturbs me. We haven't been able to break his blind which is a great concern."

Alexi sized up the man.

"Without using force I should hope."

"Of course, Your Highness."

Alexi turned to Art who took his hands.

"Please don't believe him. He would have beaten be If I had given him the chance", the boy pleaded.

"I'm certain that the Captain will refrain from using violence in the future, Art. But I need your assurance that you will serve your master without causing him grievance."

Art felt awful because the words of Alexi put him in a powerless position.

And he hated it.

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now