10. Say what?

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"Born on the same day. Their offspring will unite the four kingdoms", said Alexi sitting on Art's bed.

"Really?" the boy reacted shaking his head. "After telling me that I've been out for almost four days you just lay something like this on me?"

Alexi raised his shoulders.

"My father told me this prophecy only a week ago. A seer made it on the day we were born. This attempt on your life is just to coincidental to ignore."

"Wait, what?"

Art gingerly sat up.

"After some deliberation we all came to the conclusion that the assassin wasn't after me, but that you were the intended victim."

"How could you possibly think that? I'm a nobody!" scoffed Art.

Alexi smiled sweetly.

"The knife was laced with wolfs bane. That was a dead giveaway. And how could you possibly not see how important you are to me. Did you not hear what the prophecy said?"

Art frowned and took a deep breath.

"So, your father thinks that you are my mate?"

He was stunned just contemplating such an idea. Charlotte was rolling on the floor laughing. Paws in the air and all.

"Don't be ridiculous. Alexi is our best friend. A brother. How could he possibly be our mate?"

"I agree", Art nodded. "On the other hand King Dimitri seems to think it possible and he had a lot longer to think about the subject."

He paused.

"Our early heat started when Alexi returned home. Part of my blind lifted at the stables while I was standing next to Alexi."

The boy shook his head in confusion.

"However unlikely it may be true. All will be revealed soon enough."

"Not soon enough for avoiding a remark from Wren", Charlotte emphasized. "He needs to remark us today!" excitement leaking trough her voice.

Art knew she was right but would be glad that he would be in wolf form when it happened. Knowing that Wren was a lover of men made him uncomfortable. He didn't look forward to the two weeks that remained until his birthday. Even if the King had it wrong and he wasn't Alexi's mate, he would still be someone's and could leave his forceful stay in the Captains household.

"No!" was the Alpha's absolute answer to his suggestion to go for a run in the woods so that Casper and Charlotte could do the dirty. Urgh.

"Her heat has intensified and Casper is doing everything he can not to lose himself right now. We will have to do this in human form."

"I don't believe you", yelled Art. "You just want to get your hands on me, you pervert!"

Forgetting all the distance between their ranks, Art shouted, cursed and yelled from the top of his lungs. Wren just stood there; hands across his impressive chest, following every movement with his black eyes until Art gasped for air.

"If you're finally done, we need to get this over with before I can return you to the Princes private quarters."

Art felt the powerful pull to submit to the impressive Alpha male.

"Damn you, Charlotte", he cursed.

"Don't force yourself, Art. If you just relax and let go, your body will respond", she said.

Until now Art had ignored the bond between them, seeing it as something belonging to their wolfs. No doubt their actions would only strengthen the link and he felt uneasy at the idea of Wren touching his body.

"What does remarking entail?"

He eyed Wren suspiciously.

Black eyes turned to gold.

"He needs to be sexually engaged with you and mark you at the time of his climax."

Art blinked at the wolfs explanation.

"So he can't just jerk off and bite me?" he asked to be absolutely certain that he understood correctly.



"Maybe he can dry hump you like I did with Charlotte", Casper suggested.

He probably meant well but the suggestion didn't fare well with both human males.

"Mind your own damn business", growled Wren taking the reins again.

"Did you get the answers you needed?" he asked looking down on Art.

"Yeah and it sucks!" the boy said angrily. "I need to get you off so you can mark me? Well isn't that just dandy", his voice dripping with sarcasm. "I thought mating was supposed to be pleasurable to both parties."

Wren cocked an eyebrow.

"You're throwing a hissy fit because you don't necessarily need to come?"

Art's cheeks turned beet red.

"It's not because I want to be touched by you....but I...." his voice faltered.

"But you're horny as hell", Wren finished his sentence.

Completely embarrassed he nodded.

Wren put a finger under his chin and lifted his head so their eyes met.

"Don't worry. These are just hormones racing through your body. Blame it all on Charlotte."

Black eyes rested on his full lips. Art swallowed hard and licked his suddenly dry lips.

"Yeah, Charlotte", was the last thing he could say before Wren pushed him to the wall and claimed his lips, his body, his mind.

If this was what Charlotte's hormones did to him he could surrender and let the passion take him, right? Admitting that it felt nice was ok, right?

Wren was taking control but he was unable to remain docile. It wasn't in his nature. Before he knew it he was as engaged as the man was.

Grunting with pleasure Art wrapped his hands in the long hair of Wren.

"So forceful", Wren whispered surprised but approving. "Show me how you make love to the ladies", he panted when Art bit his under lip.

The "But you're no lady", faltered on his lips when the knot on Wren's head loosened and long, fragrant hair cascaded down his shoulders and back. For a moment blinded by the ethereal beauty in front of him, Art was experiencing something unusual. A power surged through his body and took control of every fiber of his being. It was as if he was awakening. From what he didn't know, but it felt great!

So Wren wanted to know how he seduced the ladies, huh?  A confident smirk appeared on his lips.

"Hey, beautiful", he said in a seductive voice.

Wren's nostrils flared when a unexpected scent overwhelmed him. Made him want to submit, melt, be ravished by this young man. His eyes went big when he realized what was happening. But that was impossible!

Coherent thoughts eluded him when he felt Art's fingers on his body. Oh boy, was he in trouble or what!

Gloating with his newfound powers Art totally dominated the bigger man who eyed him with unfulfilled desire.

"Don't worry honey", he whispered in Wren's ear. "I'm gonna give you everything you need."

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now