32. Another meeting in the woods

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"But that's absolutely wonderful news", Art cheered, while giving his best friend a big hug. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Alexi smiled brightly. "First of all, I didn't want to steal your thunder", he laughed before scraping his throat. "Secondly, I couldn't risk someone overhearing." His expression turned serious. "If word got out, my child would be hunted for the rest of his or her life."

Art turned pale. "Spike just told me about people who would kill your child to prevent a war they can't win. You already knew?"

"Yes", Alexi sighed, rubbing his forehead. "My father told me this when he informed me about the prophecy. It all seemed so farfetched that I really didn't pay much attention to it. Only after someone tried to kill you did I take things a little more serious." He turned to Darren. "So, what's next?"

Darren stared at the Prince clearly not expecting this question. "You don't want to know how you got pregnant?"

Art and Alexi exchanged a knowing look.

"I think we already have a good idea about that. We would rather hear about what comes next." Rubbing his flat belly he looked at Alexi and sighed. "Like how are we going to deliver these babies."

Darren seemed stunned for a moment and then let out a big laugh."You never seize to amaze me, Art. From what I have gathered both your pregnancies will be as normal for your species. This means six months for Art and nine months for Prince Alexi. As for giving birth to the babies", he shook his head, "I'm not quite sure. My instinct tells me that the Goddess molded your bodies to receive and carry a child. Makes it likely that you also will be able to deliver the baby the same way it entered", he finished with a light blush.

Biting his lip, Art shifted in his seat. "Is there anything you can tell us about the future? Charlotte seems to think that I'm having triplets. How does that going to work? Who will be picked as the mate and what about the other two?"

Bowing his head Darren hid his smile. "Already a protective parent, hmm? Maybe I can ask your Spirit Wolf. He should know something more."

"Would it be permitted that I speak to him directly?" Art asked.

Darren's eyes seemed to glaze over. After a few minutes he blinked and smiled. "He would like to talk to the both of you."

"Me?" Alexi asked with surprise. "Why?"

"There is only one way to find out", Darren said gesturing to the matted floor behind him. "Lie down. I will guide you through the first step and then the Spirit Wolf will take over."

As soon as they stretched out a calm flushed through their bodies. Darren kneeled between their heads and smiled when he saw how Art reached out to Prince Alexi and their fingers intertwined.

"Relax, close your eyes and empty your mind. He will find you."

Art opened his eyes to find himself standing in a familiar wood.

"Where are we?" he heard behind him. Alexi was standing near a tree and leaned forward to take a closer look at the sparkling flowers at its roots.

"Please don't touch anything, Alexi" a deep voice said, surprising the both of them. "We're waiting on one more and then we can get started."

A beautiful wolf appeared out of the trees, startling both boys.


Before she could answer the deep voice spoke. "Now that all involved are gathered please ask your questions, we don't have much time."

Instinctively Art and Alexi flanked Charlotte who had nuzzled them both.

"Why are you so blurry?" she huffed. "If you're Art's Spirit Wolf why can't we see who you are?"

"I don't have a physical form, Young One. Now have some respect for your elder", he chided her.

Art took a step forward. "Will we give birth the natural way?"

"Good question", Alexi nodded.

Charlotte shook her head. "Please state your name first. Or is that also an impertinent request?"

"Why is this so important to you?" Art hissed.

She looked hurt. "This maybe my first incarnation, but that doesn't mean I don't know anything."

"My name is Quentin. Both of you will give birth the natural way. Art will be able to have more children. For Alexi this is a one-time deal."

Confronted with this unsolicited piece of information Alexi scraped his throat. "We plan on raising our children together. Is that ok?"

Quentin sighed. "Make your own choices. Fate has a way of working out."

"May I ask how the babies will be paired?" Charlotte asked with the appropriate respect.

"I do believe that the Goddess has them paired with Alpha Warrior Wolfs. They will be driven, exceptionally gifted powerful protectors. Perfect for the task ahead."

Art could see that both Alexi and Charlotte were impressed by this, but his heart felt heavy. "Which will be what exactly? Because I will not allow my children to become slaves to this prophecy", he spat out.

The mist before them began to twirl and he could sense the anger that Quentin omitted.

"Are you a slave to this prophecy? Were you not given the choice to accept or deny your mate?"

Art stared at the ground.


"Yes", he admitted reluctantly, "But it just pains me to think of my babies in any kind of danger."

"You live in dangerous times. Your children will be a target for those who wish to stop the birth of the Werewolf King."

"Why was I paired with Art?" Charlotte asked surprising everybody. "If he was created as a breeder then the Goddess could have paired him with a male wolf, making him the Alpha he always wanted to be. So why?"

Alexi and Art hugged her and kissed her on the head.

"There is no need to feel insecure, Charlotte. Yours is match made in Heaven. It was due to your guidance that Art grew up to be the man he is today. If it wasn't for you then both Casper and Art would have refused the mating to Wren."

Quentin sharply inhaled when another cloud formed next to him.

"There's someone here that wants to meet you", he said pointedly at Alexi who frowned.

"Ok", he nodded clueless at who it could be, but the moment the fog started to take solid form something clicked inside of him and he knew exactly who it was. "Mate", he whispered with a noticeable tremor in his voice.

"My name is Kirin", the majestic wolf purred stopping just short of Alexi allowing him the choice of contact.

Unable to stop the flood of tears streaming from his eyes Alexi threw his arms around the wolf and buried himself in the thick and shiny black fur.

"I miss you so much", he cried, "How is that possible when we never met before."

"You are my mate. I've loved you since the moment I first laid eyes on you", Kirin stated, proudly nuzzling his mark in Alexi's neck. "Even when we can't be together nothing can break the connection between us." His nose tenderly touched Alexi's belly. "I'm so proud that you are carrying my pup. I promise to keep her safe. Always."

Alexi sobbed uncontrollably when Kirin slowly disappeared.

"It's time for you to go", Quentin said.

"But I have more questions", Art protested seeing his surroundings become vaguer by the second.

"You have all the answers you need at this moment. You wanted free will and the chance to create your own destiny. Now it's time to embrace your choices."

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now