11. Impossible answers

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"So, how did it go?" asked Alexi as soon as he was alone with Art.

He couldn't read anything from the stoic Wren who had escorted Art and had now returned to his duties. Art blushed making Alexi chuckle.

"That good, huh?"

With raised shoulders the boy stared outside. How could he explain to Alexi what happened between Wren and himself? Instead of receiving a mark, he gave a mark. Which was absolutely impossible! Only the dominate partner could leave his mark. After coming down from his climactic high, he found that Wren was eyeing him. His glare full of questions they had no time for.

Although Art didn't understand any more than Wren, he was very pleased with himself. The only reason why Casper hadn't lashed out at him was because he now had full access to Charlotte. They were cooing at each other constantly giving off a very content vibe.

He had absolutely no idea how Wren felt because other than looking at him he said nothing.

"I'm sure that the Captain would be very uncomfortable with me speaking about such intimate matters. I will however confirm that I am no longer in heat."

Alexi hit him over the head.

"You are a lousy friend. Surely you could tell something without going too much into detail?"

He stared expectantly at Art who bit his lip.

"You were so opposed to being intimate with a man. Did it feel disgusting?" he asked.

Art's expression fell. The good feeling he had about the experience was suddenly turning sour. What had possessed him to act so shamelessly? He had totally dominated the most powerful Alpha he had ever met ,beside his father. The strong moans and whispers of delight he had extracted from Wren's throat made him blush fiercely.

"It was different from what I expected. Please leave it at that", he pleaded.

The desperate look elicited a wry smile from the Prince.

"Ok, I'll change the subject."

His expression turned serious.

"We need to consider that whoever tried to kill you, might try again."

Art frowned.

"And you think that the prophecy is the reason for wanting me dead?"

He placed his hand on Alexi's arm.

"Doesn't this mean that you are also in danger?"

Alexi shook his head.

"We are now both under the highest protection. Captain Wren really let me have it for appearing in the stables the other day to plead for Stormrider's life."

"But If you hadn't he would be dead now!", Art shouted.

"Hm. I wonder at that."

The Prince looked directly in Art's green eyes.

"Wonder at what?"

"If Captain Wren was correct in assuming that the bold actions of Lt. Nox were used to draw us both out."

He hesitated.

"I don't much care for Lt. Nox. There's something off about that man", he added with a wrinkled nose.

"You mean the smell?" Art smirked.

"Yeah", Alexi nodded. "What's up with that?"

"I've heard rumors that the Lieutenant has a fondness for foreign cheeses. Especially the stinky variety", Art said pinching his nose in disgust. "Bleh!"

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now