13. Doubts

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^ Spike

That working in the stables didn't mean moving out of Wren's kitchen was made clear when he tried to remove his cot and was rudely interrupted by the arrival of his new shadow.

Spike was sent by the King himself, making any form of protest impossible. Least to say, Art was not happy with the assigned man, who had the build of a Roman Gladiator.

"A friend? Really?" he huffed at Wren. "Who is ever going to believe that he is my friend? Just go and put a target on my back, why don't you. Make it easy for anyone to find me."

Black eyes scanned Spike from top to bottem.

"Stop making all these unnecessary comments", Wren scolded him. "It's fine if you want to see your mother, but you're not moving out of here. "

"And Spike stays!" he added sternly.

The big man, clearly the strong and silent type, followed Art while he stomped out of the house.

His mother greeted him with open arms and didn't seem to find anything odd about his unexpected companion.

" Please sit down, Spike. Would you like some tea?" she asked hugging Art meanwhile ignoring his protests about not being a baby anymore.

"Is everything alright?"

Her eyes scanned his face when he stepped out of her warm embrace.

"Everything is fine, mother", he assured her with suspicious eyes. "Why do you ask? Have you heard word to the contrary?"

Gossip traveled like wildfire trough the lower ranks of the Palace and more often than not the information proved correct.

"I heard you got offered a position in the stables. I thought you would be more pleased."

Her simple answer relaxed him. His stomach had been in a knot all day. He sincerely hoped that Nox didn't get word on Stormrider's performance yesterday. Wren had to run some errands and wouldn't be back until tomorrow afternoon, leaving him vulnerable for the smelly man's revenge.

Art didn't know Spike well enough yet to trust him, so he asked Alexi if he could spend the night in his quarters. Already aware of the reason behind the request the young Prince agreed without hesitation.

"Give Alexi my love, would you? And, Arthur?", she said keeping him at arm's length. "Will you please not be so stupid as to sleep in his bed just like you did growing up? People will definitely get the wrong idea."

Art raised his eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?" he huffed offended by her remark. "Neither Alexi or myself are interested in men."

A sudden heat flowed through him remembering the deep contentment he felt when Wren unloaded on his face. It should have been disgusting, but it wasn't. He should have felt shame initiating the faux-mating making Wren loose his cool, but he didn't. Not then, not now. He was actually very pleased with himself for being able to bring his partner to climax. It had been the same with the many women he had pleasured. Although he couldn't deny that the physical interaction with Wren was very, very different. More....well, just more. He thought nothing of it and just blamed it on the strange bond between them.

After a successful day of dodging Nox' henchmen, his luck finally ran out when entering the Palace.

Coming at him from downwind, Art didn't notice the foul smell until he was grabbed by his ear and dragged across the floor.

Spike proved his worth when he stopped Nox without hesitation.

Silent and with a deadly stare the Second in Command released his prey.

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now