18. A happy reunion

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^ Alexi

Art felt torn as they approached the Castle. He longed for his mate, but knew that his priority was to get to Alexi.

"Charlotte, would you reach out to Casper and tell him where we are?" he asked with a serious face.

This really wasn't just about letting him know they were back. It also had to do with security.

"It will be my pleasure", she answered.

Art smiled when he felt her excitement. It so mirrored his own.

Alexi welcomed the two men with open arms.

"Im so glad you're ok", he said after hugging his best friend. "The Palace was buzzing with rumors of what Lt. Nox did to you. If it wasn't for Cpt. Wren and your mother, I would have thought you were dead."

He took Art by the hand and led him to a sofa.

"When my father got wind of the rumors, he ordered Lt. Nox to be arrested, but it was too late. Someone tipped him off and he fled the Palace. Cpt. Wren took some men and went after him. They returned yesterday empty handed."

Alexi sighed.

"We will catch this man and bring him to justice, Art, I promise."

Art nodded, but really didn't care about the whereabouts of that smelly rat. He looked at Spike who was patiently waiting in the corner. With a little nod he gave him the go ahead.

"If you will excuse me please, Your Highness", Spike bowed to Alexi. "I would like to meet with my security team before the festivities start."

"You are excused", Alexi said with a nod and then turned his full attention on Art. "Now. Let me hear all about it."

It was a testament to their great friendship that Alexi listened to the story of Art and took the vial without hesitation.

"Is there a specific time when I need to drink this?" he asked holding the clear liquid up to the light.

Art shook his head.

"It wasn't specified. Just that it has to happen today."

Alexi nodded and wrapped his arms around Art.

"We only missed you by an hour, you know. The guard that told Wren also came to us. Father was very upset and so was I."

He held Art at arms length while a single tear fell down his cheek.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't able to protect you from that awful man."

With tender love and care Art placed a kiss upon the wet cheek.

"Let us put these unpleasant things behind us. Today is a day of celebration."

A sudden blush crept up his cheeks and made Alexi laugh.

"Today is also the day that you'll make it official", he grinned.

Art scowled at him and stood from the sofa.

"Before making Charlotte the happiest wolf alive I need to see my mother. She told me to come find her as soon as I turned seventeen."

Alexi stopped Art in his tracks.

"I will send for your mother and make sure that Captain Wren doesn't see you until you're ready."

The Prince broke the seal on the vial.

"Bottems up", he smiled and emptied the content in one big gulp.

"If I suddenly grow horns and fangs I'm calling off your mating with Captain Wren and make you marry me", he laughed hugging Art a little too tight.

Art felt him tremble in his arms. They were both unsure about the future.

"I don't know why all this is happening to us, Alexi, but I would never do anything to bring you harm."

"I love you too", said Alexi and pushed Art towards his bed.

"I'm sure you are tired and the day is going to be exhausting enough. Please try to get some sleep. I'll wake you when your mother arrives."

Art didn't know what his mother was going to tell him, but he sure had some questions he wanted answered.

"Alexi was right, you need to get some sleep", Charlotte said. "Today is going to be long and taxing. If we want to keep him safe you need to be rested."

"What about you?" Art worried.

"I don't think I need it. Ever since you turned seventeen I feel different", she shrugged. "Maybe it's just the excitement of claiming Casper as my mate."

Art inwardly scowled at her.

"Just because I accept the bond, doesn't mean I'm as happy about it as you. So please turn it down a notch."

"Pff", she snorted. "Go to sleep. I'll keep an eye on Alexi."

When he felt a hand on his shoulder he woke from a dreamless slumber. Art was sure that Charlotte had something to do with that and he was grateful for it. There was no need to add anything to his already troubled mind.

Moira leaned over and placed a kiss on his cheek.

"Happy birthday, baby boy", she cooed at him. "It's time to clean up and put on the clothes I left for you."

She turned around and pointed through the open door.

"Looking at the amount of food on the table I believe Prince Alexi has ordered a celebratory feast. I guess he still remembers how much you like to eat", she snickered seeing her sons eyes grow bigger.

Arts stomach growled and his spirit lifted. He allowed himself a quick snuggle against her chest before he jumped out of bed.

"You go ahead. I'll join you shortly", he promised.

The welcoming bath washed away the last remainders of his hurried journey.

When he returned to the bedroom his new clothes had been laid out on the bed. He immediately recognized them and tears flowed unhindered when his fingers traced the crest of his father. Never before had he been allowed to bare anything indicating he was the firstborn son of Aldair Balthazar. Wearing these clothes in public would tell the world who and what he was. It was the proudest moment of his short existence.

"And the most confusing", Charlotte agreed with him. "Come on, baby boy. Time to get some answers."

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now