33. Drawing blood.

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"Why are you still pissed off at what some ghost said to you", Wren raised his voice over the sound of the rehearsing band. "It's been six days. Get over it already."

Art pouted. After Ben had assured him that Vincent was nothing more than a loudmouth idiot he couldn't stop mulling over the identity of the Snake. Wren crossed the distance between them and wrapped his arms around him. "The wedding is this afternoon followed by a party and tomorrow we all leave for the Summer Palace. And then the other place", he added through their mating link.

King Dimitri had arranged an estate to accommodate all of them. The King had called it a wedding present, a way to give birth in peace and spend the first years of their children's lives together. After a month of 'Honeymooning' at the Summer Palace they would travel to this undisclosed location and raise the kids until Alexi would return to the Palace on his twenty-first birthday and be crowned King. 

Art accepted the kiss on his head. "I'm not angry anymore. Just worried that something might go wrong. Quentin reminded me how fragile our happiness is."

"Like the ghost said, Fate has a way of working out." Wren placed his hands on Art's belly. "They are going to be fine and so are we. Now come on. We still have a lot to do before the ceremony can get started."

"See you later", Art smiled failing to see the adoring smile of Wren follow him whispering: "Sooner than you think, my love."

Art made his way to Alexi's chambers and was relieved to find that his friend had finally stopped puking.

"I'm blessed to be able to carry my precious girl, but thank the Goddess I'm only going to have to do this once!", he cried. "Look at me. I'm a total mess."

Art smiled taking in his flawless appearance. "You look stunning, as always. Here is the medicine Dennis gave me. It should help with the morning sickness." He poured the powder in a glass and handed it to Alexi who ogled him with concern.

"I'm glad to see your mood improved."

Sinking on his knees before Alexi he sighed shaking his head. "A lot hangs in the balance and right now free will is scaring the shit out of me", he admitted. "I can't wait to get to the Summer Palace."

"Me too", Alexi agreed with a sigh. "But first the ceremony. On a good note it seems that King Armando has taken ill so Prince Dominic will take his place. Aeyel is pleased with this since he is quite fond of his older brother." He took Art's hand. "I'm sorry for not being able to include you in the weddingparty."

Art shook his head. "That's alright."

King Dimitri had offered to make him a Lord so that he could join the dignitaries in the Church, but Art declined the offer. "Our love knows no title. Grant me another way to be at his side and I'll take it", he had replied. So they put their heads together and came up with the perfect solution.

Art placed a kiss on Alexi's cheek. "You just concentrate on looking gorgeous for your mate. Nothing else matters."

Art knew he had to make haste if he was to fulfill his duty and guide Stormrider and Alexi in the procession from the Palace to the Church. Normally it would be Ben to have the honor, but the older man graciously relinquished his place knowing how special the experience would be for both, almost as if Aldair himself would walk with them. And when Alexi appeared from the Palace seeing Art standing beside Stormrider, no words were necessary to convey the deep emotions both boys were feeling. They sported the biggest smiles while making their way through a frenzied crowd.

In their defense, most of the people had been partying since the festivities began two days ago. Charlotte was extra alert to their surroundings and although not her immediate responsibility Art didn't try to hold her back. If anyone attempted to hurt Alexi, be it by accident (ahum) or on purpose, they would have to be intercepted.   

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now