36. Heaven and Hell

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The next morning Art and Wren invited Alexi and Rafael to join them to watch the arrival of the wolves. Alexi immediately accepted, but Rafael seemed reluctant.

"Isn't this something you share with family?" he asked fidgeting in his seat. "Art and Alexi are like brothers, but I'm...I don't want to intrude."

"Nonsense", Wren answered without hesitation. "You're family too."

Being the only human in the room, Alexi was curious about what would happen next. Rafael told him the basics, but he was eager to find out how it worked. Frankly he found the werewolf-world more than fascinating. Rubbing his belly he wondered how all this would affect his daughter and her future.

Despite his initial shock about finding out that Three was a girl, Art now fully embraced his daughter. Even if Wren didn't mention anything, he knew full well that it might be his fault that she was born this way. He didn't regret taking the potion leaving it up to him to accept Wren as his mate, but felt torn to think that it was because of him that Three could face a lifetime of rejection. As a parent, he would do anything in his power to prevent that from happening. Art hadn't figured out how yet, but Three being paired to an Alpha Warrior Wolf would be a great start.

Winny helped with wrapping up the newborns in warm blankets and putting them in woven baskets so they could be placed on the grass in front of the woods. There they sat, the three babies in a half circle and the rest waiting patiently for the wolves to appear. Snow had yet to fall, but there was a crispness in the air that promised it wouldn't be much longer. After checking again if the babies were warm enough, Art returned to the welcoming embrace of his mate.

"Look", he heard Alexi whisper in awe.

In the tree-line a big black wolf had appeared. His paws made no imprint on the ground as he elegantly walked towards them. He stopped without hesitation in front of the basket of One and lowered his head.

"My name is Allaric. I'm here to be bonded to this boy. What is his name?"

Art smiled while Wren squeezed his hand.

"This boy is named Baez."

Allaric softly pressed his nose to the forehead of Baez.

"From this moment forward, we are one", and disappeared.

Alexi watched breathlessly and hardly had time to recover when the second wolf appeared from the woods. He seemed identical to Allaric only difference being that he stopped in front of Two.

"My name is Thorin. I'm here to be bonded to this boy. What is his name?"

"This boy is named August", Art answered proudly.

Thorin softly pressed his nose to the forehead of August.

"From this moment forward, we are one", and disappeared.

"Where do they go?" Alexi asked Rafael.

"The wolf bonds with the babies mind and lays a foundation of trust and mutual respect."

"Are you nervous?" Wren asked Art hugging him closer.

His "No", was met by a small scuff and he sighed. "Ok, maybe a little."

He didn't dare voice his biggest fear namely that Three would be rejected by her wolf. Maybe it wasn't too late to take her inside and let her be human. If she was meant to be a playmate for the Princess she wouldn't need a wolf, right?

"Stop worrying and look up", Charlotte said with heartfelt love in her voice. "She's going to be fine. No, she's going to be great. Look at that wolf and tell me that she's not going to be absolutely, positively, one of a kind. Awesomesauce!"

Captain of the Guard. Legend of the Four Kingdoms. Book 1 bxb ✔️Where stories live. Discover now