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chapter from the last book

Brennan's POV

It's been two days since everything has happened. Annie should be waking up any hour, or even any minute. I'm really nervous about what's going to happen when she wakes up. I think I will get her to name our kids first just so their names can be put on the system.

"Brennan, we don't know when Annie is going to wake up, but because the babies are now two days old, we have to put a name onto the system", one of the nurses says.

Well it's up to me

Levi Cameron Donnelly
Born 11.32pm 1st January 2024

Ella Kate Donnelly
Born 11.46pm 1st January 2024

Lucy May Donnelly
Born 12.14am 2nd January 2024

Maesi Avery Rose Donnelly
Born 12.15am 2nd January 2024

I'm sure Annie will like the names.

"Brennan.... What are our kids called?"
ANNIE! She's awake!
"Levi, Ella, Lucy and Maesi", i say,"Annie, I'm so sorry all of this happened, I really wish none of it did, it's all my fau-"
"Bren, I may have only just woken up from a coma, but I heard your conversation with Mia and Dylan. I know that you didn't mean to do this, but I wouldn't have babies with anyone but you".

Annie's POV

I'm over the moon that I have had babies and with Brennan. Even though I nearly died.

"Brennan, I love you so much!"
"Julianna Grace, I love you from the bottom of my heart"

Looks like I caught the Love Bug.

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