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"K-K-Katie....", I say while walking towards her. My hands are shaking uncontrollably.
"L-L-Liv", I mumble.
She looks at me confused.
I show my phone to her and she looks shocked. I go onto contacts. I have to ring my mum!

Please answer
M- ANNIE! How are things going?
A- Mum..... We went to the spot we thought Brennan was, but he's not here
M- Oh Annie, maybe you were paranoid and he's actually just at college
A- No mum, I uh got a text, from Brennan's kidnapper, Liv took him
M- *all I hear is a big loud shock sigh, and then the phone drops and hangs up*

She didn't take it as well as I thought she would.

"Katie, what are we going to do? We are in New York, have no idea where Brennan is, we are back to wear we-", my phone vibrated.

Unknown number:
Want to find where Brennan is? Well look in the corner of the warehouse for a clue.
Liv x

The way she signs her name off with a kiss really bugs me. I grab Katie by the arm and pull her towards the warehouse corner. There lay a piece of paper with writing on it.

Clue no.1
Wow you actually made it this far,
Now it's time to get in your car,
If you want to see the love of your life,
Get on the 6 o'clock plane an take flight

*a/n, don't actually know if life and flight rhymes 😂 oh well*

"Katie, let's go, it's 5.30 and we have a flight to catch at 6", I quickly say.
We sprint to my car an put the nearest airport onto my navigator.

I drive as quickly as I can. I'm most likely going over the speed limit, but I don't care. We arrive at the airport and we jump out. I really hope it's not an international flight because I don't have my passport, and neither does Katie.

The last time I went on a flight was when I was pregnant and didn't even realise, which is bad. I run to the flight schedule to check what flights leave at 6pm. Surprisingly there's only one.

California here we come.

Hey guys! If this chapter gets to 10 votes, I will give everyone who comments a shoutout x

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