t w e l v e

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Katie and I finally arrived in California after an exceptionally long flight. Not as long as the plane ride to New Zealand but still long! We have to find another clue now.

Unknown number:
Here's your next clue.
Want to see Brennan at three?
Well first you must find the key
I think you have the knowledge
To find it at the nearest college

College, maybe it's Brennan's college? Why do we need a key anyway?
"Katie, find the nearest college".
We are still wanted for something but we have no idea what for.
"Nearest college found, take a taxi to Brixinworst College"
I don't actually know what college Brennan went to.

I run outside the airport. I look like a headless chicken running around. I'm frantically searching for the nearest taxi. We have 1 hour 30 to find the key. I hope it doesn't take too long to get to the college.

I run down the street carrying my backpack. Katie is close behind me.
Up in front of me is a shuttle that says Brixinworst College on it.

I run as fast as I could towards the shuttle and get in. I tell the driver what's happening and he drives as fast as he can.

We arrive at the college. Know we have to work out where the key could be. Maybe in the office?

We walk into the front office.

"Hello, has there been a key left here for two girls?"
"No sorry"

Damn it. Where else could it be. Why would Katie and I come to college? I know! Gymnastics! It's in the gym!

"Katie, in the gym!", I whisper in her ear.
We start running down the hallways, following the signs that say gym.

"It's just over here!", I scream.

We carry on running and barge into the gym. Luckily no one is training in there otherwise we would of been kicked out.




The vault! We tighten the vault with a key.

I run towards the only vault in the gym. And find a key.

"ROOM 708!", I yell to Katie and throw her the key.

Don't think about Caleb, Annie. He's watching over you. He knows you are going to be okay.

"IM COMING BRENNAN!", I yell, trying to hold back my tears.


Katie and I arrive at room 708, we but the key in and walk in. I don't see anyone in here? Have we been tricked again! I really thought that Brennan would be in here as it is three o'clock. We go to walk out again, when someone says something.

"Welcome friends"

It's not Brennan.

Or Liv.

It's Mia.

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