n i n e t e e n

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"Katie, Katie, Katie", i scream. I feel like I'm in a crime channel program where everything is blurry.
"Annie, it's okay, I'm not hurt", she screams out. Thank god. But I'm hurt.

We are flipped upside down in the car. My ankle is trapped beneath the dash board.

"Katie! My ankle is trapped!", I scream.
"It's okay! I can hear sirens, everything will be alright Ans", Katie replies.

I really hope that she is right.

The sirens get closer and I hear voices surrounding me. I hear one of them scream that one of them is safe, it's obviously not me. Which means Katie is safe.

"She only has a few cuts and bruises, but there's still one in there", I hear someone scream out.

Next thing I knew, firefighters were doing there best to pull me out of the car. My ankle releases from the dash board and I start to feel the pain.

"AHHHHH",I scream out, crying.
"It's alright, everything will be okay", someone says,"your ankle is not broken.

Its not broken. Thank god.

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