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2 weeks later

It's been 2 weeks ever since I found out that Mia and Dylan were found not guilty. I went home that night and cried myself to sleep. I can't believe that they won't be in jail. I just hope that they don't try to seek revenge against mine and Brennan's family because I would be devastated. Today is the day I'm finally allowed to start training in the gym again. It's also the day Brennan will be leaving our home and our kids until Ausgust. He would come back on weekends and things, but because he is staying with me during the Olympics, he has to stay and complete his work. I'm going to be left for 6 months looking after four babies. It will be hard. Today Brennan is flying to LA as that is where his college is. Mum is looking after the kids while I drop him off. I really don't want to see him go.
All the kids are doing really well at the moment so I hope things stay like that.

"Ans, it's 4am, it's time to get up, we have to go to the airport", I groan and get out of bed," your mum is already here, so just get dressed and we can leave", Brennan explains.

Why does his flight have to be so early! I need my beauty sleep! I get out of bed and put some sweatpants and a hoodie on. I'm not really too fused on how I look because it is 4am.

Brennan packed the car last night so we didn't have to pack it this morning. I go into the kitchen and grab a quick snack before heading back upstairs and brushing my teeth. Oh god how I'm going to miss having my Brennan around.

We get into the car. Brennan is going to drive us there because I'm still really sleepy.

30 minutes later

We have just arrived at the airport and Brennan is getting all his suitcases and bags out of the car. I pull out the vlogging camera and start to vlog.

"Hey guys, it's Annie, and it's 4.30am and I'm exhausted. We are at the airport as Brennan is flying to LA to go to college. I'm not going to see him for 6months so from now on, it will mostly be me in the vlogs," I turn the camera off and help Brennan carry his luggage into the airport.

He checks in and before I know it, it's time for him to go through security and board the plane. Brennan stops before going into security, takes my phone out of my hand, hands it to a stranger and asks them to take a photo of us.

Next thing I know, Brennan puts his arms around my waist and pulls me in closer, his pushes he lips against mine and we move in sync. We start to have an intense make out session in front of security. We pull apart and we rest our noses on each other.

"I love you Bren"
"I love you Ans"

He gives me another peck on the lips before heading through security.

There goes the love of my life, on a new journey. I take my phone out of the strangers hand and instantly post one of the pictures the stranger took on Instagram and captioned it:
Going to miss him 💞 Love you @brennan101

Brennan was the first to like it and he commented:
Love you Annie Bobannie ❤️ Going to miss seeing your beautiful face everyday 💞

Lots of fans commented saying, "Aww" or "Brannie is so cute" or "Relationship goals!"

I just smile, trying my hardest not to cry.

I'm going to miss him.

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