e i g h t e e n

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It's one week before the Olympic Games, and one day before Katie, the rest of the Olympians and I have to travel to the grounds and the hotel we will be staying in.

I still haven't heard from Brennan, whether he will be coming to watch us compete. I'm guessing that he will stay at the college and watch on the tv. He hasn't been back to Maryland to visit any of us, but we do Skype a lot. Maybe he forgot that the Olympics were next week? Surely he didn't.

I turn my light out, I'm having an early night as tomorrow, we travel to our hotel.


I wake up early and pack the car. Mum took the quads last night and she will take them with her to the Olympics.

I get dressed and then go wake Katie up.

"Hurry up! Get in the car! We leave in 5!", I yell in her face.

She quickly gets up and gets ready as quick as she can. We both get into the car and start on our journey.

Katie and I start singing and dancing, I swear the whole of Maryland can here us!

I close my eyes for one split second and then it happens.

We crash.

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