t w e n t y o n e

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Today is the day I compete at the Olympics. Normally the gymnasts compete over two days, but this time the team competition and the individual competition are on the same day. If I warm up and my ankle stops me from doing flips and things, I won't be able to compete. Which would be really upsetting.

I wake Katie up so she and I can do our makeup and hair.

I put USA colourled glitter on my eyes, fake eyelashes, red lipstick and other things on. I do my hair in a French plait into a bun, just like I used to wear it when I competed level 9. Man that was ages ago.

"Annie, you look beautiful", Katie says, embracing me in a big hug.
"So do you Katie", I reply.

I go into the hotel closet and grab out mine and Katie's USA Leo's. I love them so much. I decided to walk around on crutches until I have to warm up and see if I can do it. If I can't compete then one of the reserves will have to do it, but I want to compete so bad! I have worked so hard all my life to be here today, and I don't want to throw it away just because of a sprained ankle.

I put the team jacket and pants on, then head out the hotel door and towards the elevator. I'm meeting my physio downstairs, so they can put lots of strapping tape around my ankle.

I get into the elevator and press the ground floor button. There was already someone in the elevator with a black hoodie covering their face, which is weird as this hotel is for Olympic competitors only.

Katie and I are staying on the 36th floor, so it takes a while to get to the ground floor. I watch the numbers go down, and try not to focus on the man behind me. We just pass the 14th floor when the man takes a step forward and stops the elevator.

"What are you doing!", I scream out.
"Miss me?", the man says.

He pulls off his hoodie and I can't believe who it is.

"BRENNAN!", I scream and embrace him in a big hug," I missed you so much!"
"I missed you too Ans, now lets start the elevator again and go see your physio", he says before kissing me on the lips.

I'm so surprised. I didn't think he would end up showing up.

We continue to make out as the elevator starts to go down again. Once we reach the ground floor we both go our seperate ways.

"I love you, see you soon", I scream.
There was no reply from him but I can't wait to see him watching me!

I use my crutches to make my way over to my physio and get my ankle strapped. After that, I walk out the door and wait for the gymnastic shuttle to arrive. Katie is already standing out there along with the rest of our team. I get in the passenger seat, as it would be too hard to sit in the back with everyone else. The Olympic centre is about 5 minutes away.

I am super nervous.


We arrive at the Olympic centre and I hobble into the arena. It's so huge! There are lots of gymmasts already warming up. We go into our changing rooms and when we come out, the stadium is half full already. Brennan told me his seat number so I could look out for him.

It's our time to warm up. I put my crutches down, and walk as normally as I can to the floor. The whole stadium is full, but there is still no one sitting in Brennans seat. Oh.

I jump around and my ankle feels really good. I then start to run and it still feels good. I then get ready for my big tumbling pass because if I'm able to do that, then I can do the rest of my passes.

I start running, round off, backhandspring, double layout twist and bam. I land funny on my ankle. No no no no no.

"Julianna, I'm sorry you are not going to be able to compete".

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