f o u r t e e n

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Katie and I are going back to Maryland today. I haven't seen my babies in weeks. I've been staying with Brennan for the last month while the police investigated the whole Mia situation. Luckily Katie and I weren't charged with murder and the police realised that we weren't wanted for anything. The police told us that Mia deserved what she got, as this wasn't the first time she had done something nasty to people.

I woke up next to Brennan. It would be the last day I do that for a while.

"Bye Brennan, I love you so much, I will see you soon", i say before kissing him on the lips.
"Love you Annie". I embrace him in a big hug, before kissing him once more.
"Come Annie, we have a plane to catch, not meningitis to catch", Katie says while laughing.

I grab my suitcase and walk out the door.
"I miss Brennan already!", I say while fake crying. Katie punches me in the arm.
"Ow, that really hurt", I say in a baby voice.

People always used to judge me for speaking in a baby voice when I was younger. I haven't used it in years.

We leave Brixinworst College and take the shuttle back to the airport. It will take about 4 hours 30minutes to get back home. I can't wait to see my kids.

Katie and I walk into the airport and check in.


We boarded the plane and I took my seat by the window. We only just made it on time. I send a final text to Brennan
I love you, Brennan.

We start to taxi down the runway when I hear a familiar voice over the speaker.

"We are now ready for take off and we should be landing in Maryland in 4 hours and 33 minutes.", then I get a weird text.

If you ever land, Annie.

I then realise who's voice was over the speaker and who was flying the plane.


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