s e v e n t e e n

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I wake up to Lucy crying. Katie slept through her crying as she is downstairs and can't hear anything. I look at the time and it's 5.47am. It's super early. I really need to lose all my baby fat before I go to the Olympics because I don't want people to think that I look fat.

I carry all four quads downstairs in their nice new play suits that I brought in California.

I turn on the oven and start to make breakfast.

"Whats going on in here?", Katie asks.
"Breakfast", I say laughing. Referring to a funny video I saw a while back.

I can't believe that this year I will be turning 19 and I already have four babies.

I carry on making breakfast and then sit down to eat it with Katie. All four quads are fast asleep again.

I run upstairs while they are sleeping and put on my Leo and grab my gym back and head out the door. I'm glad I finished school before I had my babies.

I put the kids in the car and Katie jumps in the passenger seat.

I start driving to my mums house because I have to drop the kids off to her before I head to gym. None of my kids have started speaking yet, well I wouldn't expect them too, but I can't wait till they start saying mama and dada!

I pull into mums driveway and get the quads out of the car. Hayley runs and gives me a hug, before heading upstairs with Ryan. She is always with him now! Soon they will be having kids! Well actually they will be responsible and wait.

I get back in the car and drive to the Olympic Training Site.

This is going to be a long next few months.

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