t h i r t e e n

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"Mia? Wha-"
"Look, Julianna. Didn't you think it would be a bit weird that, Liv, your old best friend, would just magically appear back in the USA after she moved to England, and kidnap your boyfriend? Didn't you ever think about that? Well obviously not. Because you have fallen for my trap. Brennan is perfectly fine. I took his phone and pretended that I was having sex with him to make it look like he was cheating on you, then sent you my location. By the way, the police are after you, for doing nothing, because I told them that you tried to kill me. None of this would have happened, if you didn't try to get with MY BOYFRIEND, you little-"
"YOUR BOYFRIEND? Brennan has liked Annie for longer than you have known. HE LIKED HER BEFORE HE EVEN MET HER! He was never ever your boyfriend! You are a liar. You have never ever liked Annie! When you first met her, you came to me and said that little bitch better stay away from Brennan or she will pay, and then you not getting into the Olympic team, made you go one step further", Katie screamed at Mia.

"Well then, Katie, Julianna. The door has locked behind you and you can't get out. Here a gun for you, and a gun for you. Only one of you can survive and leave this room. Good luck deciding who that is", Mia smirked.

I looked at Katie and she looked straight back. She knows what I'm thinking

Mia started walking towards the door, but before she could open it, Katie nodded and we both fired the gun at her. I would never ever kill my best friend! But I would never ever kill a person.

I ran and gave Katie a hug and we exited the room. I will have to call the police soon. We start walking down the hallway. And then I saw someone.

"Bren, you-you're okay"
"Of course I'm okay, Ans, I love you so much"

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