Chapter Seven

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The Overlord stood on the balcony, overlooking the controlled capital city as he still gripped Lloyd's unconscious figure in his right hand.

"My lord, we have come as you demanded."

The Overlord turned and smirked at the three ninja and samurai under his command. Nya, Jay, Cole and Zane bowed in respect, their violet eyes glowed brightly in the darkened day.

"Ah, yes, I wanted to show you our newest prisoner," he said, lifting Lloyd slightly. The four former heroes grinned at their master's prize. "Take him to the cells, I don't care which one. Let him rest, for the real fun has yet to begin." Cole and Zane grabbed Lloyd and dragged him back into the castle as Nya and Jay remained.

"Sir, I must inform you of some bad news," Nya said, bowing her head slightly. "My brother escaped before I could use any dark matter on him."

The Overlord huffed, "Did you send out anyone to hunt him down?"

She nodded, "I did, Sir. They are searching every corner of the castle now."

He pointed to Jay, "You; alert Kozu and tell him to close all exits to the city. Tell him to search for a ninja wearing a red and black kimono." Jay and Nya nodded and sprinted off in search for Kai. The Overlord turned back to Shihon, resting against the balcony as his violet eyes searched the streets for any sign of the runaway ninja.


Lloyd's feet scraped the stone floors as he was dragged to the cellblock underneath the castle, his head hung in defeat as his bloodstained hair swayed softly. Zane opened Cell 26 and helped Cole carry the defeated Green Ninja inside, locking vengestone chains on his wrists. Lloyd groaned softly as he rested his head against the cold brick walls, they cackled at his misery as they locked the cell door.

Lloyd slowly raised his head and looked around at his new home; the small cell was barely a hundred square feet, brick walls oozed moisture as a small window on the back wall added some light into the cell, cement floors sent chills up his spine as the cold seeped in. As Lloyd looked around, he heard breathing coming from his cell, calm breathing that clashed against his panicked breaths.

Is someone in here with me?! he thought. He struggled to escape his chains, trying and failing to use his elemental powers, unaware of the cancelling energy from the vengestone chains.

"It's no use," a deep voice said, "The chains are made of vengestone, practically unbreakable."

That voice, Lloyd thought, halting his struggling, It sounds so familiar! ...Could it be-? No, it can't be! That's impossible!

"W-Who are you?" Lloyd asked, his emerald eyes searching for any movement.

"Lloyd?! Is that you?!" the voice asked, hope filling every word.

"Dad!" Lloyd scooted as far as he could into the pale light, he heard someone, whom he hoped to be his father, scooting closer to him. An older man, with grayish-brown hair, hazel eyes, wearing a purple, black and gray gi, came into the light, grinning brightly.

"My son! It is you!" he said, tears forming in his eyes.

"Dad? W-What happened to you?" Lloyd asked, confused at his father's new appearance. Last they saw each other, Garmadon had blackened skin from a lightning strike when he was younger, ember red eyes filled with sorrow and hatred, sharpened teeth and his ribs showing through his skin. Now he looked...normal?

"When the Overlord possessed me, he absorbed all of the darkness and evil that had been inside me for so many years, allowing him to gain his own physical body. He discarded me and left me in here to rot. What are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be...oh," Garmadon said, his hazel eyes widening at the realization.

"I lost, father," Lloyd said, hanging his head in shame. "I let everyone down."

"What about your friends? Can't they come find you?" Garmadon asked.

Lloyd shook his head, "They can't, everyone has been corrupted by the Overlord. I don't know what happened to Uncle, or Doctor Julien, or Mom."

They fell silent, not knowing what to say to each other, especially under their current circumstances.

"I'm sorry, Lloyd," Garmadon said. "All of this is my fault, everything is my fault. I wanted to turn Ninjago into my image so badly, I lost sight of what was really my goal: having my family with me once again."

"Dad, you don't have to apologize to me. What you did was because of Destiny, it was the darkness inside of you. I know that if we ever make it out of here, you can show Ninjago that you are not the same Garmadon that they know." Garmadon smiled as tears ran down his cheeks, Lloyd rested his head on his father's shoulder and quickly succumbed to slumber.  

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