Chapter Four

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Kai and Lloyd sprinted/hobbled into the castle with the army on their heels. Kai pushed Lloyd into an empty room and locked the door as the army thundered past. He breathed a sigh of relief and slid down the blackened wood door onto the floor.

"What are we going to do now?" Lloyd asked, sitting on the floor beside him.

Kai sighed, "I say we wait for the guys to find us. They can't be that far behind." Kai suddenly felt his phone buzzing in his pocket, he clicked Answer, "Cole! Where are you?"

"Heading to the south wall now," he said over the wind. "Where are you and Lloyd?"

"Inside the castle by the south entrance, I think we're in a closet."

"We'll be there as fast as we can."

Several minutes of silence passed, Kai listened to the sounds of warriors rushing past the doors, searching for them, unaware that their targets were one door away. But then they jumped when the doorknob started turning frantically. Kai and Lloyd backed up, he drew out his sword in anticipation of a skirmish as the door broke open. Two people tumbled inside the room, falling into a pile as Kai recognized his brothers.

"There you are!" Jay said, looking up from the ground. "We were worried that you had been captured."

"Well, we were spotted by some of the Stone Army on the walls, but we lost them a while ago."

"We can't waste time with idle chit chat," Zane said. "We must hurry to find the Overlord before he finds us."

Everyone nodded, Jay helped Kai support Lloyd as they snuck through the shadows, searching for the throne room where the Overlord was hopefully stationed. Every so often, they would have to slip into a closet to avoid being detected, but in one of the hallways the Stone Army General was waiting for them.

"You really thought that you could make it through here unnoticed?" Kozu scoffed. "You can't defeat the Overlord! You'll die before you can even make it to him!"

Cole unsheathed his elemental sword and growled, "You guys find another way to the throne room. I'll take on blockhead myself."

Jay unsheathed his sword, "Not alone, you'll need help fighting him." He turned to Kai, Lloyd and Zane, "Go, we've got this."

They nodded and rushed back down the hallway, Kozu cackled and said, "Get ready to die."

Cole and Jay charged down the hallway, shooting bolts of lightning and massive boulders at General Kozu, the General pulled out two black swords and deflected the lightning while dodging the boulders. He slashed at Cole's head with one arm and aimed the other at Jay's stomach. Jay leapt over with a front flip while Cole ducked under the sword, both whirled their swords in an attempt to chop off Kozu's arms. All three tumbled to opposite sides of the hallway. Kozu huffed and pulled out a grenade filled with dark matter. He pulled the pin and tossed it over his shoulder at the charging ninja, Cole and Jay skidded to a stop at the sight of the black and gray grenade as Kozu strolled away smugly.

"Oh shit!"


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