Chapter Eight

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This will be the last time I update any of my stories until the middle or end of January 2017; I have finals this upcoming week, then I'm heading home for winter break, which doesn't end until January. So enjoy this chapter, have a lovely holiday and a happy New Year!

Kai sprinted through the castle, blood dripping from several wounds to his arms and his side from his battle with Nya. He knew they were searching for him, his fallen brothers and sister were out to turn him to their side, or worse, kill him if he didn't cooperate. He knew Lloyd had been captured, he felt like a coward for running from battle.

I'm sorry, Nya, Kai thought, sprinting through the staircase in the southern wall. I'm sorry, Jay, Cole, Zane, Lloyd. I failed you all. He leapt over the side of the wall and rolled to reduce the impact, he quickly got back to his feet and continued running away from the castle. Tears blurred his vision as he hid in an abandoned home, he struggled to calm his breathing as he leaned against a wall.

"Search everywhere for a ninja in red," he heard a Stone Warrior tell another. "Every home, every alleyway. No one gets out of the city without the Overlord knowing." Kai ran up to the second floor of the home and found himself in a bedroom of a teenage boy, he quickly discarded his gi and threw on a pair of pants and a black shirt. Overhearing the door downstairs being kicked open, Kai grabbed his gi and ran up to the hideaway attic, hiding behind a pile of cardboard boxes, slowing his breathing the best he could.

Heavy footsteps clunked through the home, checking every room on the first floor before heading to the second floor. He could hear them moving around the beds below him, clothes being shuffled around in the closets. He held his breath and tightened his grip on his gi as they hesitated below the attic door, his heart skipping as they pulled down the ladder and climbed up. Several silent moments passed as the warrior glanced around the attic, only seeing a pile of boxes off to the right, eventually he and his partner left the home, allowing Kai to release the breath he was holding.

Waiting a couple of minutes more, in case they came back, he looked through the boxes for anything useful for an escape. Finding nothing but old yearbooks, moth balls and toys, he slumped back onto the floor in hope of a plan coming to him. When nothing came up, he crept out of the attic and silently made his way to the kitchen, his stomach growling for his attention. After grabbing a quick bite, he found a backpack and filled it with food, water, and a blanket. Kai stumbled upon a first aid kit in the bathroom and wrapped up his wounds, then he placed the kit into the backpack and snuck out the back door.

I hope Wu, Misako and Julien are okay, he thought. Did they make it out of the city? Were they corrupted too? What about Ultra Dragon? He climbed over fences, hid in alleyways, searching the gray faces for his friends as he slowly made his way to the border of the city. What am I going to do now? I'm all alone. He perked his head at the sound of a large roar nearby, he followed the noise and found Ultra Dragon being tethered down by several warriors. Julien, Wu and Misako were nowhere to be seen. Kai swallowed and sprinted out into the open, knocking over the warriors in one blow before freeing the massive dragon. He quickly climbed onto its back and took to the skies as sirens blared below. Kai glanced one last time at the city before disappearing into the clouds, the only hope of saving the world resting on his shoulders. 

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