Chapter Twenty

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Wow, twenty chapters! And almost 3K words in this one chapter alone!! How crazy is that? Also can you believe the Ninjago Movie is coming out in a week?! I'm so excited!! I'm gonna see it on opening day!! And finally heads up: this chapter has some strong language.

The Overlord stormed down to the cells beneath the castle, fury emitting off of him in waves. The Fire Ninja had escaped his Ninja and Stone Warriors once again! Not to mention he had help from his old enemies; the original elemental masters. The bastards were continually outrunning his entire army, he could not believe it! But he had an idea to bring him out of hiding, a genius idea that could not fail! The Overlord arrived at Cell 26 and ripped open the door, the once famous Green Ninja cowered back and trembled in the corner, tucked against his father. Oh how he relished the fear he was radiating, not to mention the pure hatred and anger the father was feeling.

"What do you want?!" Garmadon snarled, hiding Lloyd behind him.

"I need the boy," the Overlord responded, pointing at him. Lloyd let out a small whimper.

"Why?! Why do you need him?!" he growled. "He doesn't have any information!"

He rolled his violet eyes, "I don't need information, I just need his body." Lloyd wept and trembled, tears ran down his face. Oh how he loved seeing the panic in his eyes. He reached down and grabbed him, the boy stiffened and froze as soon as his hand wrapped around him. As he turned to leave, Garmadon cried out and started screaming curses at him.

"Let him go!" he screamed, struggling against the chains as the door was relocked.

As Lloyd was carried, his thoughts were rampant and frantic as his heart pounded against his chest. Oh God I'm gonna die! He's going to kill me! What is he going to do to me?! He said he needed my body, what does-oh no. He can't. Is he going to...Kill me please! I'd rather die!

They arrived at the throne room, there were several Stone Warriors waiting with cameras and the Ninja. The Overlord dropped Lloyd onto the floor as the camera started rolling.


Kai and the Elemental Masters glided through the air; he had ripped a piece of his shirt off and wrapped it around the gashes on his ankle, thankfully it wasn't as bad as he thought it was going to be. He felt sick at the realization of being discovered by the Overlord and Nya, and seeing how the Dark Matter corrupted his sister made his heart ache. He remained silent as Wisp, Shard and Rocky flew across the gray landscape towards the Eastern Ocean. After an hour of silence, Kai finally spoke up and asked, "Where are we heading?"

"We're heading to Stiix," Wisp said. "It's far away from the Overlord's eyes. We'll be safe there until we can move somewhere new. We still have a day's flight to go."

"Oh okay."

They continued flying in silence until, after many hours, they saw the ocean on the horizon, the blue waters were a welcome sight compared to the grays, blacks and purples of the land. The sun, behind the thick stratus clouds, started to set as they arrived at the city on the water, Shard found an abandoned home on the outside of Stiix which would be their temporary home. They landed and changed back to their human forms, quickly hiding inside the home before they could be detected by Stone Guards within the town. Inside the home was an unused bed, a dresser full of clothes, a small freezer, and a small television in one of the corners. Kai, exhausted by the long flight, collapsed onto the bed and fell asleep instantly.

Wisp, Shard and Rocky sat down on the floor and sighed in exhaustion. Flame joined them as she materialized in smoke. She asked, "What are we going to do now?"

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