Chapter Eighteen

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I just wanted to clarify something before we move into the next chapter; Jay, Cole, Zane and Nya are not dead. The Overlord had created illusions of them being killed to break Lloyd. Your favorite ninjas and samurai are still alive...for now... Now that that is cleared up, let's continue on to the next chapter!

Rocky was excited, today was his day to teach Kai how to control his powers! He decided to meet the young Fire Ninja in the Fire Temple where he can practice making weapons without causing a wildfire in the Forest of Tranquility. He planned on picking up where Shard left off the day before with his elemental core, then he would show him how to channel that energy into making weapons. Rocky waited at the base of the stairs while Kai woke up, he had to admit he was a little nervous at teaching the young ninja. He hadn't had anyone rely on him in a long time, well, before the Ninja and Sensei Wu needed them. Before them, it had to be centuries when they were last in action.

"Good morning, Rocky."

The Master of Earth looked up the red and gold stairs and saw Kai standing at the top, yawning with disheveled hair and clothes. He smiled and said, "Good morning, Kai. Ready to start training?"

He nodded, "Yeah, what are we going to do?"

"We are going to start practicing summoning your elemental weapons. We will do it in the Fire Temple," Rocky explained, gesturing to follow him. "Did you sleep well?"

Kai yawned again, "Yeah I was knocked out, I think even one of Cole's earthquakes couldn't wake me."

"Good because you will need all the energy you can muster. This will be an exhausting process but over time it will become easier and will take less energy to summon."

"I'm actually kinda excited to try this," Kai said, a knot of excitement tightening in his stomach.

Rocky grinned, "Excellent! I am very glad to hear that." They walked into the lava room of the Temple, the former location of the Sword of Fire, as he gestured for Kai to stand in the center. "We shall start with tapping into your elemental core; yesterday Shard and Flame showed you how to unlock it, today Flame and I will show you how to tap into that energy, then we shall start forming weapons made of your element."

"Um, before we do," Kai hesitantly asked, "Could you show me what it would look like? To made a weapon from your element?"

"Of course! I'd love to demonstrate it!" Rocky beamed. He held out his hands; they started to glow a light orange, the rocks around him started to tremble and rumble. Rocky suddenly swung his whole body in a circle with his arms moving in a downward motion, in the action of Cole swinging a scythe, as the rocks shot out of the ground and fused into a solid blackened scythe. Rocky finished with the scythe pointing at Kai in a battle-ready stance. The glow faded from his hands. The Master of Earth looked up at Kai, who's jaw hung slack in awe.

"Holy shit," he breathed, his eyes glued to the scythe. "That was awesome! Amazing! I can't—whoa..."

Rocky took a bow as his scythe disintegrated back to stones, "Soon you will be able to do that but through fire."

"Will there need to be a source of fire for me to do this?"

"As long as there is air, you'll be fine. The fire will come from within. So, what is the first weapon you want to make?" Rocky asked.

"I'm thinking a whip?" Kai offered.

"Perfect! A whip is a good place to start since it is flexible and can vary on length and stability. Let's get started! Flame will guide you through the process of tapping into the core."

"Are you ready?" Flame asked. Kai hummed his approval. Flame said, "Close your eyes and focus on the energy flowing through you, imagine it becoming physical and forming in your hands. Feel it leaving your fingers and becoming solid in your hands, the heat pulsing to your heart."

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