Chapter Thirty-Four

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I'm not dead and neither is this story!

"My Samurai, you've grown so strong these last few days."

Nya grinned as she stood victorious over the shattered pieces of fallen Stone Soldiers, having barely broken a sweat from the rigorous exercise. The Samurai felt her water powers stir within her heart and veins, settling back down into a dull pulse as the Overlord gestured for her to follow.

"In fact, you've grown so strong these last few days that I have a gift for you. One that will give you an upper hand against the Ninja. Come with me." The pair strolled through the hallways of the castle; the Overlord had his hands folded behind his back while Nya grew anxious, her hands traced over the handle of her swords to tracing the designs of the armor she wore. What was the Overlord going to give her? He already gave her access to her power, trained her under his wing, and believed in her when her former teacher ignored her potential. Nya's eyes flickered up to the towering figure, hoping for any kind of hint, but received none.

The pair arrived at the throne room. The doors slowly swung open, revealing several Stone Soldiers and Kozu waiting beside a covered box. The box was over six feet long, five feet wide, and five feet tall, covered by a dark blue cloth that draped onto the floor in waves. As Nya and the Overlord approached, the box would occasionally shudder and shake, thumping against the ground with loud bangs.

"My Samurai, I have before you one of the most powerful gifts you shall ever be given," the Overlord said, flicking his wrist at the warriors. The blanket was torn away from the box, revealing the content inside. A clear crate filled to the brim with water. "My soldiers found your Elemental Ancestor about twenty miles North of the city. Though challenging, they were able to capture them and bring them here. My Samurai, meet Mizu, the original Master of Water."

Nya blinked in confusion. A box of water was her ancestor? Has the Overlord lost his mind? Maybe he saw something that she couldn't? She felt his hand gently nudge her forward, causing her to stumble. Alright, she'll go along with this. He hasn't led her astray before. She stepped up to the box, ignoring the puddle of water around the base, and placed her hand against the clearstone glass.

The water inside churned and bubbled, shaking the entirety of the box from it's crescendoing energy. Nya stepped back with her hands in the air, startled as the box started rocking side to side, threatening to either fall over or empty its contents onto the floor. The lock holding the lid down snapped in half, falling to the ground with quiet clinks. The box suddenly stopped, settling down within a puddle of water as the room fell silent. The lid creaked open, revealing the face of a woman with pure white eyes, long hair made of waterfalls, and turquoise skin.

"Nya? My dear, is that really you?" Mizu's voice sounded like a babbling brook; softly murmuring, lighter than air, yet with a hint of sorrow. "My child, what has happened to you?"

"Long time no see, Mizu," the Overlord sneered. "How has the ocean been these last few millennia? Notice any changes lately?"

Mizu's eyes glowered dangerously, the water inside the box darkened and started to churn once again. "Akuma, I thought you were trapped in the ethereal realm! How did you escape? What did you do to Nya?"

"I simply unlocked her potential that you and her former mentor decided to ignore. But, now is not the time for common chatter, I brought you here for one reason and one reason only. You and your descendant shall fuse into one being, finally unlocking her true potential and unstoppable power."

"Never!" Mizu spat, nearly leaping out of the box in a fit of fury. "You know that decision needs to be made with a clear voluntary conscious! Whatever you did to her is not voluntary, it's not her time!"

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