Chapter Nineteen

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Wisp and the other Elemental Masters waited for Kai in the clearing by the creek, they were quietly discussing how much he'd grown in the past several days. Rocky beamed and puffed out his chest, "Kai was able to create multiple whips in the Fire Temple with my guidance."

"He was able to unlock his elemental core with my guidance," Shard said, a grin on her face.

"What were you planning on aiding him with?" Rocky asked Wisp.

"I was thinking about working on endurance," the Master of Lightning said. "Since you two were able to help with creating his elemental weapons, I want to help him be able to use those weapons and abilities longer."

Shard asked, "Good idea Wisp, will you need our aid with your lesson?"

Wisp shook his head, but a look of caution was on his face, "I don't think I'll need help, but I sense something wrong in the air. Something dangerous is coming, we must be prepared to evacuate if something happens."

Rocky and Shard nodded, "We will remain close by."

The three Masters turned their heads when the bushes nearby rustled and parted, revealing Kai ready to train. "Hey guys," he said. "Who's the mentor for today?"

"I am," Wisp said, stepping forward. The other two left quietly. "We shall be working on endurance today, Rocky said that you were able to achieve creating weapons from your fire about two days ago." Kai nodded in agreement. "We shall work on being able to hold onto those powers for longer times. Let's start with making your weapon of choice."

He took in a deep breath as his body started to glow a soft orange, his veins glistened with his energy underneath his skin. Kai cracked his arm downward as a whip of fire shot out and wrapped around a tree; the fire scorched the bark, Kai yanked back and snapped the tree in half.

Wisp looked impressed. "Very good; your strength is impressive but your whip disappears after a few seconds, we need to keep the energy alive for more time. Create a fireball and hold it in your hand for as long as you can; like this." Wisp held out his hand, palm up, as a ball of lightning hovered above it, crackling with electricity and power.

Kai nodded and held out his right hand, a fireball the size of a basketball formed around his fist, crackling and glowing in the morning air. He smirked confidently, thinking This is easy! until his flame started to waiver and glow dimmer. His eyes widened, Shit shit shit!! The flame shivered and went out, Kai gave a saddened whine at his loss. He shook his hand as a new fireball blossomed, but just like the first it eventually went out after about twenty seconds.

Wisp said, "Visualize your power acting like a stream of gas, allowing your power to last for as long as you need it."

He nodded and lifted his hand once more and created a new fireball, he felt more power entering the flame and watched as it grew brighter and refused to waiver even in the strong breeze, he grinned in triumph.

"Great job, Kai! Keep it—" Wisp suddenly froze, staring at a bundle of bushes suspiciously.

"Is everything okay?" Kai asked, his flame extinguishing.

"We have to go. Now!"

Before Kai could ask why, something metallic and silver whooshed past his face, millimeters away from the bridge of his nose. He could see for a split-second his reflection in the blade, his wide eyes staring at him in surprise. A kunai dagger buried itself within a tree a few feet beside them; Kai and Wisp looked at the direction the blade came from as the other Elemental Masters erupted from the bushes and trees in their dragon forms, growling and snarling at the assailants.

"Kai, get on my back," Wisp growled as he changed into his dragon form. Kai scrambled onto his back as a group of Stone Soldiers charged out of the darkness, brandishing swords and bows and arrows, the one leading them made Kai's heart stop.

Nya was snarling and bristling in anger; she sprinted as fast as she could while Wisp was taking off into the skies, she leapt up and grabbed onto Kai's left leg. "You're not getting away from me that easily, brother," she spat, her nails digging into his skin. Kai tried to push her off of him without falling off himself, her nails dragged down his ankle with blood staining her gray fingertips.

Wisp was frantically trying to shake off the corrupted Samurai X, twirling in the air above the battle on the ground. He tried kicking her using his back left leg but couldn't quite reach her. He turned onto his side in hope that Nya couldn't hold on, but she was not letting go. 

She started to climb up, reaching for the hem of his shirt to yank him down. "C'mon brother! You can't run away forever! Just give up and join us!" she sneered, the wind whipping her black hair around.

"No! I will never join the Overlord! I'm sorry Nya!" he cried. He swung his other leg around and kicked her in the face, the shock released her grip off of him. She fell about two stories and landed in a bundle of bushes with an oof.

Rocky and Shard were fighting the soldiers; the Master of Earth reared back and slammed his paws into the ground, causing a shockwave and large cracks to appear in the ground, some of the soldiers tumbled into the darkness below. Shard took in a deep breath and covered the rest of the soldiers in a thick sheet of ice, the ground around her froze as well.

"Rocky! Wisp! We have to go!" Wisp cried from above. The other two dragons took off into the air and followed the Master of Lightning, heading east to the other coast as Nya got to her feet.

"Great, Master is going to kill me when he finds out about this," she grumbled, starting on the long journey back to Shihon to tell the Overlord the bad news.

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