Chapter Twenty-One

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Misako watched from the corner of the throne room as the Overlord finished his broadcast to Kai, he looked over at the other ninja and said, "You can cut the act, the camera is off." She watched as the corrupted ninja and samurai shrugged off the rope binding them and stood up, dusting themselves off as their gray color returned.

"You were too whiny," Nya huffed, glaring at Jay.

"Says you! 'Kai! Help! us!'" Jay mocked, raising his voice an octave to mock her.

"'Please Kai! Save us! We're useless without your wisdom!" Nya feigned sarcastically. They cackled as Zane and Cole glared at them.

"God can you two shut up?!" Cole snapped. "Your voices are grating on my nerves!"

Nya and Jay exchanged evil glances before surrounding Cole, screeching in his ears, "Help us Kai! Help us! We need you to save us! How's this Cole? Is this annoying? How about now? Now? Now? Now?"

"Enough! All of you better shut up before I freeze everyone here!" Zane yelled, removing his elemental blade from a hidden sheath. Jay and Nya backed away from Cole with poisonous scowls on their faces, glowering at Zane with hatred in their violet eyes.

Misako gave a silent mournful sigh, she hated how the Dark Matter changed the once-loving team to a pack of wolves, ready to lunge at each other's throats.

The Overlord looked down at the team, "The Fire Ninja could arrive at any moment, I want each of you at the main entrances until he arrives. Whichever one brings him to me becomes the leader of your group." The group of four's eyes widened before they sprinted through the doorway, scrambling over one another.

Kozu walked up to the Dark Lord, "Shall I take the Boy back to the cells?"

The Overlord shook his head, "No. I want to keep him at my side. The Fire Ninja is sneaky and could very well slip past the guards. I can't have anything happen to the one thing he cares about until he arrives."

"What about the father? Lord Garmadon?"

The Overlord scoffed, "I don't care about that old fool, he gave me what I needed. Dispose of him."

Misako silently gasped, they were going to kill her husband! She had to do something! She stepped forward and deepened her voice, "Sir, I shall take care of him."

The Dark Lord nodded and waved her off, sitting down on his throne, "Do what you must."

Kozu handed her the keys, Misako took one last glance at her son who was curled up at the base of the throne, trembling and softly crying. I will save you Lloyd, she thought. I promise. She turned away and walked through the seemingly endless hallways until she arrived at the doorway leading to the cellblock, a Stone Warrior guard blocked the way.

"Move aside, I have orders to dispose of the prisoner," she growled. The warrior stepped to the side and allowed her inside, she walked down the stone steps and up to her husband's cell.

Garmadon looked up in surprise, "Misako? Is everything alright? Where's Lloyd?"

"Lloyd is a hostage for the Overlord, he is unable to leave the throne room until Kai arrives," she explained. "The Overlord wants you dead so I'm getting you out of here." She unlocked the cell and the vengestone cuffs around his wrists, she supported Garmadon against her shoulder as he weakly leaned against her.

"I'm sorry I can't do more," he panted as they walked through the cellblock.

"Don't worry about it," she replied, then froze. "Garmadon, I'm going to carry you over my shoulder, I need you to act dead." Garmadon nodded, Misako turned to him and lifted him over her shoulder, he went limp and closed his eyes. She took in a deep breath and walked up the stairs to the doorway, the guard looked at her with surprise. "Move it!" she snapped, walking past the guard. Misako sped-walked through the halls, quietly huffing from the weight on her shoulders. "Almost there, Garmadon," she whispered as they left the castle. "Just have to make it through the wall."

"I trust you," he whispered, swaying softly with each step.

She hurried to the East entrance of the wall and was about to slip through the door when a voice called out, "Where do you think you're going?"

Misako swallowed her fear, turning to face Jay as he sauntered up to her. She deepened her voice and said, "I am disposing the body of the prisoner."

"Under who's orders?" Jay asked, narrowing his eyes at her.

"The Overlord," she snapped. "Don't believe me? Go ask him yourself."

Jay stared at her for several seconds, she could see him struggling to decide whether or not to ask the Overlord about it. He huffed, "Fine, go, I don't care."

She turned and left the castle walls, walking through the streets as she avoided the wandering civilians and the occasional guard. No one paid her any mind as she hurried through the alleys and avenues, panting softly until they arrived at the only building still with color. Misako lowered her husband onto the ground and gasped, resting her hands on her knees.

"We'" she panted.

"The Temple of Fortitude?" Garmadon asked as he shakily got to his feet. "Father did say that it had a sacred seal of protection, I thought it was a lie."

"It will protect you," Misako said. "The Overlord and his Ninja can't enter due to the seal. Remain here for the time being, alright? Gather your strength, I'll try to get Lloyd out before anything happens to him."

"But what if he interrogates you about me? You said you were disposing of me, how will you explain it to them?"

"I'll just say I cremated you or something, I'm not too worried about the details at the moment." She suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned in for a deep loving kiss, years of longing and ache filled each second of their embrace as he snuck his arms around her armored waist. His hands shook as they tightened around her, never wanting to let go of his only love. Reluctantly they broke their embrace, only when the need for air was too great to ignore for much longer. The two panted softly, love radiating off of them as they said their farewells one more time, separated by duties but together in their hearts. 

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