Chapter Twenty-Three

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"Lloyd, wake up."

"Please Lloyd wake up!"

The young Green Ninja grumbled softly and hid his face underneath his arms, he refused to open his eyes to witness the new horrors of the day. He curled deeper into a ball as he continued to hear voices telling him to wake up. He heard his father, he heard his mother, but a third voice was the one to bring him to consciousness.

"Lloyd you're safe, you don't have to worry anymore. Please wake up."

Was couldn't be...

Lloyd slowly opened his eyes as he felt a warm summer like breeze brush past his hair, he saw three figures surrounding him. His father's smile was the first thing he could focus on, his hazel eyes shining with fresh tears next to him. His mother was to his left, smothering him with kisses. A third figure was to his right, Lloyd instantly recognized the spiky brown hair and hazel eyes.


The Ninja of Fire grinned, "Hey green bean; how are you feeling?"

"Sore, w-where are we?"

"We're at the Spirit Coves," Garmadon said. "Some old friends are going to heal you and your friends."

"What?" Lloyd uncurled and struggled to sit up; he found himself inside a large cavern with glowing crystals growing on the walls, a large opening was in the ceiling revealing a twilight sky with white stars shimmering above them, deep green grass tickled his arms. Lloyd saw a sapphire creek flowing into a lake beside them, the waves softly lapping against the white sands. Laying on the shore were three bodies; one wearing a black and gray kimono, the second wearing a blue and black kimono, and the third wearing a white and black kimono. The first had ebony hair and dark skin with gray splotches, the second had pale and slightly gray skin and reddish-brown hair, the third had snow white and partially gray skin and pale blond hair. It...It can't be...

"Jay? Cole? Zane?"

"Yeah, it's a long story," Garmadon said. "Kai? Would you like to explain?"

"Sure, guess I'll start from the beginning. So, after the battle with...Him...I had to escape and found Ultra Dragon; they took me here and revealed that they were the Original Elemental Masters of fire, earth, lightning and ice. They split apart and became my mentors, training me at the Fire Temple. They showed me that I can create weapons using my own power!" He held out his hand, it glowed as a sword made of fire formed, Lloyd gasped in awe.

"Eventually we were discovered by Nya and had to flee to Stiix, then we were told that we only had two days to turn ourselves in otherwise He would kill you and the team. I turned myself in while Rocky, Shard and Wisp found Jay, Cole and Zane and uncorrupted them. Misako and I escaped with you, after I set Him and his castle on fire. Then we flew here to heal you and the others," Kai explained, his sword disappearing.

"How would being here heal us?" Lloyd asked.

"Kori —Shard— explained that the water here has healing abilities," Garmadon said. "You'll be placed in the water for a while as it heals you and your friends."

Lloyd's stomach sank; there was one big problem with the plan, and he was embarrassed to confess why. Kai noticed his hesitation, "What's wrong?"

"I... I uh don't know how to swim..." he mumbled, avoiding everyone's gazes.

"I can teach you," Kai responded immediately with a smile.

Lloyd's stomach did a flip at the sight of his grin, he stumbled, "O-Okay." Kai got onto his knees and scooped him up in his arms, holding him against his warm chest. Lloyd gave a deep purr and nuzzled into his chest, Kai stood up and walked over to the lake as the water started to glow white.

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