Chapter Twenty-Two

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Perched on top of one of the largest apartment buildings were the Elemental Masters, scanning the bustling castle from their perch above. It had taken them a day to fly from Stiix to Shihon with a few breaks during the flight. Kai felt his stomach twisted into a Rubik's cube of knots at the thought of meeting the Overlord face-to-face, the thought of being corrupted or killed, and at the thought of letting all of Ninjago fall due to an error in their plan. His mouth felt dry as he watched the guards march along the walls and Nya guard the Southern Entrance.

Kai turned to his elemental teammates as Shard said, "Shall we go over the plan once more?" Everyone nodded, she said, "Kai will walk up to the Southern Entrance and surrender to Nya while Rocky, Wisp and I will find Cole, Jay and Zane. When we find them, we will merge and fight the corruption within; while that is happening, Kai will be led to the Overlord, if he can find Lloyd great, if he can't then we have to get out before meeting up at the Temple of Fortitude. Once we are all there then we shall make our way to the Spirit Coves until we can figure out what to do next."

"We will be in our elemental forms, as not to cause alarm," Rocky said. "I just pray everything goes well."

The team said their goodbyes and flew off to their positions; Rocky to the East, Shard to the West, and Wisp to the North. As Kai walked down the stairs inside the apartment building, he knew he had to get something off of his chest before everything started.


"Yes Kai?" she asked.

If...something was to go wrong, he thought, swallowing dryly.

"Nothing will go wrong," Flame said.

If something was to go wrong, he repeated, I want you to leave before anything happens. If I get corrupted, leave before the first drop hits me. If I die, find my sister or Lloyd and get them out. If I am to go down in this battle, I don't want you to get hurt.

"Kai; I refuse to abandon you. The world could end and I will remain by your side. I will not leave you and nothing you can say will change my mind."

Did I get my stubbornness from you? he asked, a soft smile on his face as he arrived on the ground floor.

"It's a trait all Masters of Fire have, so, yes, you did get that from me," she laughed.

Thanks Flame.

Kai took in a deep breath, trying to calm his racing heart as he got word from the other Masters.

We are in position, Rocky said.

Ready when you are, Shard said.

Let's chopsocky this lemonade-stand, Wisp said.

Let's do this.

Kai opened the door and stepped into the silent street, a gentle breeze brushed his hair to the side as it ruffled his clothes. He marched into the middle of the street and stepped towards the looming castle, each step echoing across the gray buildings, once full of life now devoid of any. His heart thumped three beats to every step, his breaths trembled with his hands as he grew closer to the wall, then the siren blared. It broke the deathly silence with its loud wail, the South wall was suddenly filled with almost a hundred red and black guards, all aiming their swords and bows at the singular ninja. The metal gate opened as Nya and even more soldiers rushed out, pouring out like water from a broken dam.

"Get on your knees with your hands up," Nya shouted, aiming a sword at his chest. Kai obeyed without a sound, kneeling down on the cement with his hands above his head. Two of the warriors patted him down, checking for any hidden weapons within his clothes, once he was thoroughly checked he was lifted to his feet with the guards holding onto his arms. Nya walked up to him and sneered, "Well look who it is! Glad to see you wouldn't let us die, huh brother? I'm sure the Overlord will be very excited to see you! Bring him to the throne room. He is waiting."

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