Chapter Thirteen

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Surprise Update! TBH I wasn't even expecting to write this chapter, it kinda just happened. Warning, this may be a little graphic at some points. Also there is a lullaby near the end, so here's a link to a version of the song on YouTube (it's different than the lyrics here). (neither the song nor the lyrics are mine). 

link to song:

Deep underground, in the prison cells beneath the castle, Garmadon could hear Lloyd's screams as he was tortured for information. Over and over, he tried covering his ears to block out the wails but it would still echo in his head. Every so often there would be brief pauses before the shrieks continued. The once Dark Lord felt absolutely powerless as his son was electrocuted by his former teammate, his heart breaking with every agonizing wail. After what felt like an eternity, a Stone Warrior dragged Lloyd through the hallway by the shreds of his gi. Garmadon cried out when he saw how bloodied, battered and broken Lloyd looked.

"What did you monsters do to him?!" he shouted as his son was tossed inside the cell. The warrior did not respond, his acid-like eyes glowed in the darkness as he relocked the door. As he left, Garmadon cradled his broken son and gently stroked his matted hair, wiping away the blood on his face. Lloyd smelled of burned flesh, his back was burned with lightning scars shooting up and down, even crawling up his neck. His face, more specifically his nose, was black, purple and blue from a broken nose. Blood stained his face, down his neck and onto his shredded gi. Occasionally Lloyd would spasm or his face would contort in agony, a whispered groan escaped his lips before Garmadon hushed him.

"It's alright, I'm here. I'm here," he murmured, gently kissing his forehead. As he cradled his son, he remembered back to the times where Lloyd was an infant and he would have bad dreams. He smiled as he remembered rocking him in his favorite chair at 3 in the morning, singing his favorite lullaby. Garmadon brushed back the hair that had fallen in front of Lloyd's eyes and softly started to sing:

"Sleep, baby, sleep

Your father tends the sheep

Your mother shakes the dreamland tree

And from it fall sweet dreams for thee

Sleep, baby, sleep

Sleep, baby, sleep

Sleep, baby, sleep

Our cottage vale is deep

The little lamb is on the green

With snowy fleece so soft and clean

Sleep, baby, sleep

Sleep, baby, sleep."

Lloyd relaxed as a smile appeared on his face, he curled up closer to his father and gently nuzzled against his strong arms. Garmadon hummed and closed his eyes, until the sounds of footsteps caught his attention. He immediately bristled and used his body to cover Lloyd, a snarl growing as he prepared to see either the violet eyes of the Overlord and his corrupted Ninja or the acid-green of the Stone Warriors. The footsteps grew closer until the figure of a Stone Warrior stood in front of the cell, but something seemed different about this one compared to the one who brought Lloyd there. This one seemed slightly smaller, their eyes were a forest moss green, and they had pale skin instead of obsidian. Garmadon immediately recognized those eyes.

"Misako?" he gasped, tears forming in his eyes.

She nodded and removed the black and red helmet, setting it on the floor as she knelt down in front of the bars. Misako reached into the cell and held her husband's outstretched hand, squeezing it.

"I don't understand," Garmadon stuttered. "How are you not corrupted like the others? How did you escape? Did anyone else escape?"

"I think I saw Kai fly away on Ultra Dragon not long after Wu and Julien were taken, he's still on the run. The Overlord is sending out Jay, Cole, Zane and Nya to find him." Misako sighed softly, but a gleam came to her eyes, "And how I escaped, well, let's just say those warriors were expecting a damsel in distress."

Garmadon's heart swelled at the mention of his wife fighting back, he rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles as tears streamed down his cheeks. "I am so sorry, Misako. This is all my fault. It's my fault the Overlord was freed, that he was able to gain so much strength." He started sobbing, his whole body shaking as his tears fell onto Lloyd's bloody cheeks. "Forgive me, Misako! I beg you! Forgive me!"

She gently squeezed his hands, "I already have." He looked up and saw a loving smile, he broke down and sobbed louder, almost waking Lloyd in the process as he trembled. "You must forgive yourself, Garmadon. What's done is done. What was it you would tell me? The past..."

" the past," he sniffled, wiping his eyes on his gi's sleeve.

"And the future..."

" the future."

She grinned and removed one of her hands, revealing a small box, slightly bigger than the size of her hand. Misako pushed the box into Garmadon's hands, "Here, I took some medical supplies from the Ninja, I doubt they would notice. Use it and take care of our son. I'll do what I can to help Kai and sabotage the Overlord."

She stood up and grabbed her helmet, just before she put it on Garmadon cried out, "Misako, I love you!"

She smiled once more and replied, "I love you too. Keep our son safe, Garmadon." She put on the helmet and left the two in their cell, her footsteps quietly fading away until only silence remained. 

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