Chapter Twelve

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"Master Kai, what do you think?" Flame asked.

"Fire Temple," Kai said after a moment's thought. "It would be too dangerous to go to the Temple of Light now, the Overlord could have eyes watching it."

"But what if the Overlord finds us at the Fire Temple? And, Shard, can you survive in that heat?" Rocky asked, concern for his fellow elemental master.

"I shall be fine," Shard said, a soft smile on her face. "If I start to overheat, then I shall leave the temple until I am able to return."

"And if the Overlord finds out about our location, then we can always head to the Temple of Light for safety," Wisp said. He glanced back at the two Elemental Masters who nodded in agreement, but then a dark look crossed Rocky's face.

"But what if he's waiting for us there as well?" he asked. "Wouldn't it be an obvious choice for us to escape to the Temple of Light? What would we do then?"

"I say we would head to the Birchwood Forests, maybe even the Glacier Barrens," Shard offered. "The farther North the better in my opinion!"

"Shard, I don't think Master Kai could survive long in those conditions, even with Flame adding internal heat," Wisp said, glancing at the Master of Fire. "Maybe we can travel to the Southern tip of Ninjago Island? No one goes there."

"The team never went below the equator," Kai piped up. "We never got a distress signal from anywhere below the Sea of Sand."

"There are very few villages below there, there were many legends of monstrous animals and walking warriors made of stone that scared off most of the people. It is the perfect place to hide if we're caught," Shard said.

"Excellent. Are you ready to leave, Master Kai?" Rocky asked.

"I mean, I'm ready, but how would we get there? You aren't Ultra Dragon anymore, and I don't see any vehicles around here," he said.

Wisp chuckled, "Do not worry, we can still change into our dragon forms if necessary." Wisp's form of Jay shuddered and shifted into his blue dragon form. "Climb on. I am the fastest dragon in all of Ninjago!"

Kai's eyes widened, "Woah, that was so cool." He climbed onto the back of Wisp and settled down as Rocky and Shard changed into their dragon forms as well. Flame gave a soft huff inside his mind , Kai mumbled, "Sorry Flame."

"It's alright, Master Kai," Flame said. "Although, you might want to ask Wisp that if he was the fastest out of us, then why didn't he win most of the races?" Kai could hear a hint of mischievousness in her voice.

The three dragons took off through the skylight, Kai's curiosity took over as he asked, "Hey Wisp? Do you remember those races that the other Ninja and I would do back at the Old Monastery?"

Wisp nodded and purred, "Of course! Those were wonderful times."

"Well, if you said that you were the 'fastest dragon in all of Ninjago', then how come you didn't win all of those races?" He asked.

"Well, I would have won if someone's rider," Wisp suddenly looked at Rocky, "Hadn't cheated!"

"Wait, Cole cheated?!" Kai exclaimed. He always wondered how Rocky got an extra boost of speed at the end of their races.

"I wouldn't say cheated, per say," Rocky said. "More...persuaded...with a chicken."

Kai sat there for a few seconds, then started chuckling which evolved into full blown laughter. The idea of Cole with a chicken on a stick just made him howl with laughter until he realized how much he missed his teammates. He immediately fell silent, the dragons glanced at each other but decided to remain silent. Kai started to wonder what were his former teammates up to, and if he could save them in the end.

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