Chapter Sixteen

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Hey I finally have wifi again!! *celebrates* I've been writing this over the summer and I'm up to chapter 23! Woo!!! Hope you enjoy this long chapter!

Kai stepped outside of the Temple and into the cool twilight air, he could feel the excess heat fading away as his body temperature returned to normal. He took in a deep breath and felt his body relax, his shoulders drooping as he made his way towards Rocky, Shard and Wisp. The three Elemental Masters were sitting in a circle, discussing plans for Kai's training and ways to infiltrate the Overlord's fortress.

They looked up as he approached, Rocky asked, "How was training?"

"It was interesting," he said, sitting between Shard and Wisp. "Flame and I discussed some...personal...topics."

"That is good," Shard said. "You two need to be able to be honest and open with each other. The closer you two can be, the more stable your powers can become."

Kai nodded, Rocky handed him a granola bar which he ate ravenously. He glanced up and noticed their strange looks, he swallowed and murmured, "Excuse me."

Wisp chuckled and said, "We are discussing training options for you; such as mental stability, strength, and focusing your powers into creating objects and weapons."

"Wait, I can create weapons? Won't that require a forge?" he asked.

Shard shook her head, "With you and your elemental ancestor fused, you can unlock a new level of power and strength such as bending your fire into weapons and even creating a dragon. It will require a lot of concentration and practice, maybe a few months to master, but it can be done."

Kai's eyes widened, the idea of creating swords or whips made of fire excited him. It could cause more damage than his elemental blade! Wait, where was his blade? His stomach sank at the realization that he must've dropped it when he freed Ultra Dragon back in Shihon. Great, now he has no weapon and Shard said it could take months to master a weapon made of fire! How was he going to save his team now?

"With practice, focus, and determination," Flame said. "Shard said it could take months, but if you take the training seriously then you could master it in weeks."

Weeks?! Kai mentally cried. With every passing day the Overlord grows stronger! I can't wait weeks!

"Kai you have to realize this isn't going to be easy. We understand that he is becoming stronger but so are you. The Overlord didn't gather all of his strength in one day, it took years for him to become as powerful as he is now."

But it's only been a week since we lost the battle, Kai said.

"Yes, but he was trapped on the Dark Island for over a millennia and thus he was able to plan his attack and gather his strength. Do not despair Kai, we will stop the Overlord and save your friends, you just have to be prepared for that date."


Kai followed Shard through the forest, the sounds of their footsteps crunching the fallen leaves echoed with the sounds of birds cooing and fluttering above their heads, the occasional sound of twigs snapping underneath his shoes. Shard was his next instructor, she had mentioned that she was going to teach him about feeling one with his powers. He followed her through the barren forest until they stumbled upon a babbling creek winding its way in turns and timid waterfalls. In the center of the creek were two flat rocks, separated by a small flow of water. Shard gracefully hopped over to the rock on the left and sat down with her legs crossed, she gestured to the second one with an open hand. Kai leapt over the water and landed on the surface of the rock, he sat down facing her and waited for her to speak.

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