Chapter 5: Lilian/Dimitri

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It seems to take forever for our flight to reach London.

As it is, it's around two-forty-five local time when we touch down, and the massive airport is relatively silent.

At this hour, as in many major cities, I suspect that most of the generators will be shut down. It's customary to leave a few streetlights on, giving late night pedestrians on the walkways an opportunity to see where they're going, though typically only every third or fourth one is lit.

It occurs to me that we're going to need some place to weather the night; Europe has the greatest infestation of Inhumanes, and I worry that they'll be lurking in every shadow outside. With no money, American or British, I know we have little chance of finding a respectable hotel, and I'm certainly not willing to risk sleeping on the streets during our first night here.

Discovering a handful of uncomfortable-looking (but unoccupied) airport chairs, I give Jason a slight nudge.

"You up for sleeping over there? It's no five star hotel, but right now it looks like our best bet."

Jason nodded, and the two of us move quickly toward the chairs in question.



My eyes open, seemingly of their own accord. Beside me, Jason is still sleeping soundly, undeterred by the red-faced man staring down at us.

"Can I help you, sir?" I ask, stifling a yawn and meeting his gaze fearlessly.

"I go off to buy a Diet Coke, and come back to find my seat has been taken without my consent. That's a large part of what's wrong with this country, this world! People steal from one another left, right, and center, and no one can be bothered to stop them."

"We didn't mean to steal your chair, sir. We were just looking for someplace to sleep, and there was no one sitting here."


I tilt my head, noticing a strange scent on the guy's breath. It seems as though the Diet Coke wasn't all he was looking for.

"There are plenty of other chairs around here." I try, pointing them out and trying not to roll my eyes, "No need to be an antagonist."

Before I can process his actions, the man's fist connects with my face, and I know I'll have a black eye from this.

Jason finally wakes up as I get to my feet, not feeling a thing and obviously surpassing the dude's expectations.

"I'm going to find security." I threaten, not backing down, "People like you are what's really wrong with the world. There's no need to pick a fight over a chair when I can see ten more that'd work just as well. Thanks for punching me, by the way. It didn't hurt."

Leaving the man staring after us, I pull Jason to his feet and begin my trek through the airport.

It doesn't take me long to find a member of airport security, and I recount the altercation as quickly as I can. I'm assured that, if at all possible, the suspect will be brought to justice.

The security officer pulls out a handheld radio, speaking into it quickly before turning back to us.

"The pair of you know where you're going? Perhaps there's someone looking for you?"

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