Chapter 21: Rosalie

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"I can't do this anymore!"

I look around, surprised that it is Lili who said it.

I like her; she seems brave and even though she must be having a hard time with all the things she has been thrown into, she still manages to keep calm.

Now she looks awful.

She looks scared, desperate. Her face is pale and she is shaking when she moves to open the door to the stairwell.

I want to tell her not to do that.

Won't she die if she goes out there?

She wouldn't listen to me, though. I don't listen to myself most of the time, so why should anyone else care what I have to say?

She steps out, and Shemik opens her mouth.

"Don't." Emilio whispers, giving her a look that says yelling after Lili isn't worth it.

But it is.

Someone should stop her.

Theo takes a step forward, reaching for Lili's arm.

There, she will listen to Theo, won't she?

"Wait up." he says.

I watch him, wonder what he will say to make her sit down or close the door again.

He follows her out into the lobby.

No. That wasn't how it was supposed to go.

Those men will catch them, they'll torture them.

I shiver.

I learned that word, torture, a long time ago. Shemik said it's what they did to me.

I don't really understand it; why would soldiers want to spend their time hurting kids? Shouldn't we all be going after the same people if those people are bad, and not starting more fights of good against evil?

The war is all I can remember. Maybe Jason or some other kid my age can remember something else, since the fighting took years to reach America, but for me there are no other memories.

I sit down on the bottom step, staring off into space as I concentrate on breathing.

It is weird how sometimes you don't even know you are doing it, and other times it feels like it might kill you to breathe for another second.

Is that a natural part of being scared?

Jason sits down too, and I can feel him looking at me.

What is he thinking about? Is he scared for Lili? For himself?

Shemik is standing over the two of us, and I want to ask her to sit, but I can't.

Talking will get you in trouble, especially in a time like this.

The gunshots start again, the noise seeming to come from everywhere when it echoes. I can't help but start shaking.

They're going to kill poor Lili and Theo. I don't want them to die.

I want to go after them, to find them and bring them back here, but that isn't smart. I'm the youngest, the smallest, with the hardest talent to control.

I would end up being captured.


Tortured again.

It is quiet now. Shemik steps past me, making me jump. She walks along the step, stopping next to Emilio and looking at him worriedly.

"I don't care what you say, I'm going after them." she says.

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