Chapter 18: Lilian

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I'm still a bit rattled, to say the least, when we finally stop running. If someone had woken me up this morning and told me that my new home would be destroyed, that I would go on a supply run with a boy who can literally create illusions from thin air, or that I would be fighting a herd of zombies in a desperate attempt to live another hour, I would have told them they were crazy.

Now, if anyone was to give me a warning of any kind, I would be the first to take it seriously.

Life is weird in that way; when you have a routine you like, life comes along and screws everything up for you.

I take a deep breath, watching as Shemik walks toward Katerina to distribute the last of the knives.

Katerina is huddled on the ground, and even from where I stand I can tell that she is shaking.

I continue watching as I organize my handful of knives along the inside of my jacket, wondering how soon I'll need to use them again.

At this point, I'm praying that we can get through the rest of one day without any more issues.

Shemik sits next to Katerina, asking her something. She speaks so quietly, and I'm so far away, I can't tell what the two are talking about. I do hear Katerina groan, though. It's a combination of a scream and a moan, and from the sound alone I can tell she's in pain. Curious, I move in the general direction.

I guess it was a good thing I did.

"Look at me." Shemik isn't ordering Katerina, in fact the words seem to be little more than a plea.

Katerina makes a whimpering sound.

I stare at her. Curiosity is getting the better of me, yet I'm frozen a few steps away. Something tells me that I don't want to take those last few paces.

Shemik looks at the younger girl for a minute, then risks laying a hand on her shoulder. Katerina hisses, head snapping around like something from a movie on exorcisms. Shemik draws her hand back in a lightning-quick motion as Katerina snaps at it.

"Holy crap!" My voice sounds strangled as I struggle to find the words for what just happened.

Shemik stares at Katerina, eyes wide.


The girl shakes her head, shakes it again, then blinks.

"Katerina? Kat?" Shemik doesn't dare reach for Katerina again, but I can see the concern written across her face.

Katerina's face is extremely pale, and her eyes look different somehow.

"I'm sorry." Katerina whimpers, her voice sounding a bit gruffer than usual.

I study her, feeling as though I'm at the scene of some train wreck or car collision and I can't look away from the disastrous incident.

Katerina closes her eyes, opens them, closes them again.

Then she lunges for Shemik in an uncoordinated act of insanity. Her eyes are round, her pupils dilated. She's incredibly off balance, and Shemik moves away from her before Katerina can cause harm.

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