Chapter 12: Lilian

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It only takes me about five minutes after Theo, Rose, and I enter the training room for me to start worrying about Jason. It was weird, really. One minute, he and Katerina were right behind us and the next, well, they weren't.

All it took was me looking away.

I know he's probably around here somewhere, maybe helping Katerina or Emilio out with something, but my older sister instincts have me unable to concentrate on anything other than my brother's whereabouts.

Ten minutes after we've entered the room, it's clear that I'm not the only one who's getting anxious.

"Lili?" Theo calls, still doing his best to remain focused on the task at hand, "Do you have any idea where Kat and your brother are?"

"No." I say, frowning at the target in front of me.

I still haven't managed to land a knife perfectly in the center, and I know as much as I'd like to, today probably won't be the day.

We continue on in silence.

For me, the minutes seem to drag on for eternity, punctuated by my continuously missing the center and my worries about Jason.

Knowing that kid, there's a chance he got lost on the way over here.

But Katerina wouldn't also get lost.

Maybe she had something else to do and no one's noticed Jason wandering around?

Honestly, this is ridiculous. He can't have gotten that far, and I seriously need to calm down.

"You're doing it wrong."

I jump. Theo is standing behind me, and I turn abruptly to face him.


"You're holding the knife wrong. No wonder you're doing so badly."

"Oh. Thanks for that confidence booster."

Theo moves to stand beside me.

"I'm not the best at this, but I can try to show you." He smiles, and I have to admit it's contagious. Despite his constant need to assist me, Theo is a pretty cool kid.

He looks at me, as though studying a new project.

"Lay the handle across your open palm near your knuckles." he instructs, a frown of concentration making its way onto his face as he tries to give me the adequate amount of guidance.

I nod, following his directions as quickly as possible.

"Now wrap your fingers underneath and around the handle, but keep your thumb over the top."

I obey.

"How long have you been doing this?" I ask, surprised that an eleven-year-old has this much skill.

"Since I met the others. Before that I was hopeless at it." Theo smiles again, watching me carefully, "So you want to bend your wrist back toward your arm, but not too far since this target isn't terribly far away."

He watches me as I angle my wrist, nodding slightly.

"That's fine. Now, put your weight on your right leg. You can just rest your left foot in front of you (with no weight on it), raise your right arm in front of you so that it's at a right angle to the floor, and bend your arm at the elbow so that the knife is raised next to your head. Keep it a little distance from you, though, so that you don't cut yourself when you swing to throw it. Shift your weight from your right to your left leg. At the same time, you want to swing your arm forward from the elbow, so that your arm is straight out in front of you. Straighten out your wrist. Don't try to throw the knife like you would throw a ball, just sort of let it slip out of your hand once you've straightened your wrist."

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