Chapter 22: Jason

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Rose still looks startled, as though she's only half here, when she looks at me. I've been trying to get a response of some kind from her for what feels like forever, but she has remained perfectly still, her head between her knees and shaking furiously.

She looks pale now, but she seems to be managing about as well as either of us can expect to.

I hug her, hoping I'll have an effect on her the way she was able to with me in that bunker. I almost expect her to pull away, but she doesn't, and in a way that makes me feel better.

I'm about to speak, but before I can the handle of the stairwell door turns. I stiffen, terror freezing me to the spot.

"Who's there?"

A girl steps through the doorway, looking scared and lost. Her eyes are an unusual color, a teal that reminds me of pictures of an ocean. Her hair is light, not quite blonde but not really brown either. With the pink backpack and tennis shoes she wears, she looks incredibly out of place here. She's a little taller than me, but not by much.

"Who are you?" I ask, deciding to make the first move to getting answers.

"Brynn Wintering. I'm nine." she sounds a little braver than she looks when she speaks, "Lili sent me. She said you'd keep me safe for now. I'm like you. I have a talent."

I look her up and down. If Lili sent her, I'm sure she won't hurt us.

"I'm Jason, I'm nine too. That's Rosalie, she's a year younger than me."

Brynn nods.

"You're American too?" she asks, and I notice her accent for the first time.

"I am. Rose is from someplace else, though."

"I'm from San Antonio." Brynn bites her lip, "Dad said we'd be safe if we found the others. Looks like he was sort of right. I'm safe right now I guess."

I feel bad for her. She looks like a mess. There is something, possibly blood, in her hair and it's clear she's been crying a lot. I want to know more about her, but right now isn't the time to ask. Poor Brynn looks as though this entire situation is out of a nightmare, and a week ago I would have felt the same way. Now, I know that the nightmares are all too real.

I'm scared, but it looks like I have to be the one in charge right now. I have to be the one to keep Brynn, and possibly Rose, calm and to get us out of here if something else goes south.


We sit silently for what feels like ages. Rose is sitting next to me, staring straight ahead as if trying to will herself someplace else. Brynn is standing on the step behind me, walking back and forth across it. I haven't heard any gunshots in a while, and I'm hoping Lili and the others were able to hide somewhere else, or at least keep more people out of the soldiers' path.

I'm finally beginning to relax, to contemplate going and looking for them, when I hear the handle of the door turning again. I stand up, catching it with my hand and leaning against the door to keep it closed.

I wait to hear Shemik or Emilio, or even Lili or Theo, asking me to let them in.

Instead I hear a gruff voice speaking furiously in a Russian accent.

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