Chapter 10: Katerina

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I stand next to Dimitri as Emilio speaks the password into the intercom. I've asked several times why we have to go through this, why I can't simply teleport us all through the entryway, but the older kids are obsessed with security and that means I'm forced to play by everyone else's rules.

Sometimes it drives me crazy. I could country hop, never staying around long enough to be discovered, but the older children say it's not the proper way to go about things, and if I want to have strength in numbers, I'm bound by an unwritten law.

What the leader says goes for all of us, whether we like it or not. I've never minded, really. I was eight when I first met this group, a scared little girl who had teleported away from France with no money and no idea where she would end up long term.

I've been thankful for the numbers and the protection.

But I'm also close to Dimitri, and the boy has made me start to second guess a lot of things today. He has always been there, giving me guidance when I've asked for advice and serving as the big brother I always used to want. I trust him, but I trust the others, and I don't know whose side I would take if things ever got out of hand.

It's all giving me a headache.

I'm not going to think about this any more.

Emilio finishes relaying the password, and Theo replies quickly. The door slides open, and the three of us enter our living space. We move down the hallway, taking a couple of corridors to end up in the training room, where Lili, Jason, and Shemik are holding some sort of discussion in the center of the room while Rose looks on.

From what I can see, it looks pretty serious.

Emilio takes a step forward.

"What is going on?" His voice maintains an authoritative tone as he looks at Rose, Lili, and Jason in turn.

Jason opens his mouth to speak, but Lili beats him to it. "Jason had one of his ... one of his visions." She sounds as though she's trying the words out, not sure how they fit the context of her new world.

"Is that so?" A frown finds its way onto Emilio's face.

Jason nods. "I was watching a group of people, soldiers I think. They want to beat the Russians to something ... someone. They were going to look in San Antonio, but it would take too long, so they're starting with London and Paris instead. They want to do research, and one of them said finding what they're looking for could give them a new weapon. I think they're looking for us, at least, other people like us."

Emilio turns away from Jason, looking to Shemik. She meets his gaze, nodding slightly.

The way the two of them can carry out their own silent conversations unnerves me; while Emilio is gifted with the ability to understand all spoken languages, he is no mind reader, yet he and Shemik hold these silent conferences quite often.

Emilio's expression is not, to my surprise, one of worry. He shifts the pack on his back, repositioning the bundle of clothes still tucked under his arm.

"What exactly did these people in your vision have to say?" he asks of Jason.

"The main guy said he'd hacked some type of database, and because of that he knows where whoever he's looking for is. He's going to look for them with some other soldiers after they finish whatever assignment they're on."

Emilio frowns. "You're sure about this?"

"Emilio, I can read him. He's telling you exactly what he told the rest of us, and he has no reason to lie. How could someone do it? Hack the database? It seems nearly impossible." Shemik's expression conveys an equal measure of astonishment and concern.

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