Chapter 11: Jason

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Breakfast this morning is unnaturally awkward, silence raining down like a plague.

It's the first morning that I have managed to find the dining area by myself, which resulted in my boasting pridefully to Lili when she sat down. My sister just rolled her eyes, probably annoyed that she had to be directed again by Theo, who always seems to be looking for the excuse to show her to wherever she's trying to go.

I can tell he's annoying her with his concern and need to help her out, but he seems oblivious.

It's sort of similar to my constant urge to apologize to Rose, I guess.

I would try to read into it, to play my typical role as nosy younger brother and investigate Lili's true feelings toward Theo, but today clearly isn't the time.

The atmosphere is much too tense for that.

Katerina is sitting next to me at the table, as though this were any other meal. Rose sits across from me, playing absent-mindedly with her toast and taking a bite of cereal ever so often.

Dimitri and Shemik are nowhere to be found, and Emilio looks as though he's ten seconds away from running to find them.

No one speaks.

Lili looks equally as awkward as I feel, though she keeps her eyes on her breakfast and doesn't press anyone to talk.

I, on the other hand, have a bad habit of seemingly talking nonstop. Turning to Katerina, I attempt conversation.

"Hey, are you going to eat anything? What's the book about? It must be a really good one, since you still haven't put it down."

It's true. Her food has remained in front of her, untouched, for nearly fifteen minutes, neglected in exchange for the small black book she holds in front of her face.

"Leave me alone!"

I flinch. Katerina has, over the past few days, been nice to me, but her tone this morning reveals nothing but hatred.

"Hey, there's no need to be rude." I try, reaching carefully for the book, "Let me see. Is that in English? I might have read it myself."

"It is. You haven't."

I drop my voice to a whisper, not wanting to earn a scolding from Lili for my curiosity.

"What's it about? C'mon, I won't tell Lili if that's what you're worried about."

"Fine!" Katerina closes the book, holding it in one hand as she begins to eat. The volume is thick, but could likely fit in a person's pants pocket easily as it is unnaturally small.

"Can I see?"

"No. But I can tell you what it is about." Katerina hisses, glancing up the table to ensure Emilio is still preoccupied with his own thoughts, "I found it on Dimitri's desk this morning, before any of you were up. You know there is a process to reading minds, yes? Well this book tells you everything you need to know to keep someone from reading your mind. It is really interesting, although it is not exactly written for someone my age."

My eyes widen.


Katerina nods. "Dimitri has been using it for months."

"That's why Shemik can't read his mind?"

She nods again.

"She will not be able to read mine, either. I have been going through this book since about four this morning."

"Did Dimitri let you borrow it?"

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