Chapter 24: Jason

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Dedicated to ThursdayEnds whose stories are amazing! I would recommend one here, but it would be difficult for me to pick just one. Check them out if you get a chance, because Greene's a fantastic writer.
Question of the day, what do you guys think of Brynn so far? Any guesses as to what her talent is?

It hasn't really sunken in yet that I'm about to die. Lili used to say I was naive, and maybe that's it. Maybe I'm so convinced that something can save us that I refuse to see the other side.

Something slams into me from behind, knocking the little air I had left from my lungs. I almost let go of Shemik, but manage to keep my grip as two small hands land on my shoulders.

All of a sudden, it's like we're moving in slow motion. The ground is still getting closer, but it's not moving toward us so quickly, and I feel like I'm standing on something soft.

The breeze is still there, ruffling my hair in the annoying way wind does, but it almost seems like the air is supporting us. It goes on like this for what has to be at least a minute, the ground moving closer and closer. We're about four feet off the ground when we start moving in real time again, my feet meeting the pavement with a jolt. The force causes me to bite my lip, and Shemik gasps.

I let go of her fingers, turning around to see Brynn standing behind me, her face ghostly pale in the glow of the nearest streetlight. Rose is sitting on the ground next to her, head in her hands and wearing Brynn's pack.

"She ... She knew it would work." Brynn sounds as though she might pass out, "Sh-She wanted me to jump and I-I thought she was crazy!"

"Everybody's a little crazy." I tell her, unable to hide the smile on my face.

I owe Rose big time.

Brynn and I look at each other for another moment, then she looks to Shemik. The older girl has assumed a similar position to Rose, left hand resting on her rib cage and the right one on her knee. I can see now that her right index finger is beginning to swell, and the tip doesn't seem to line up with the rest of it.

"We have to get out of here." Brynn says, reaching to take her backpack from Rose, "They can probably see us."

I'm not sure who's watching, or if Dimitri is bothering to look for us over the roof's edge, but whatever the case is Brynn is right. Standing here in front of the hotel building, we're an easy target. Brynn lays a hand on my shoulder, more to reassure herself than me.

"I don't think we should stay in the city." She says, "Maybe someplace around it, but those men will look for us won't they?"

"Probably." I admit. I don't want to do this. I can't leave London without Lili, but it looks like I'm going to have to.

Why can't I have one of my visions right about now, to see Lili and know where I can go to save her?

I wish, in the middle of this mess, I could catch just one more lucky break.

Brynn looks at Shemik.

"You okay?"

Shemik looks as though she's caught between telling Brynn the truth and reassuring her.

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